Polite & Friendly's


Howell Rifle

FoxholeWillySun Feb 25, 2018 5:24 am

Couldn't tell who was talking about it, but here's a video of the real Howell Automatic Rifle.  Its a conversion of a .303 Enfield

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WolfFangSun Feb 25, 2018 7:06 am

It was me. I was very disappointed in BF1's version. I think it is way underpowered compared to the other medic rifles. I am sure the real life version is way more impressive. The standard sight is horrid to use at distance not to mention one in three shots will actually go were your aiming. To me it almost has the accuracy at range of a LMG. The AA site makes it easier to aim but only really had success with it at medium to close range. And plan on shooting them at least three or four times before they will fall.

Hoping the next sniper version will be a lot more impressive. May be why they opted to make this one lesser of a rifle.
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Am3ricaMon Feb 26, 2018 6:45 pm

lol middle of a firefight. The receiver jams. You are fiddling with all these working parts, probably in a bad temper. When I watched that jam all I could think was what not to have happen if you happen to be using this weapon.
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Snap71Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:47 am

Great video find!  I would anyhow get hit in the face by the bolt though.
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