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Ok...computer builds

TazmanWed Aug 23, 2017 8:58 pm

Ok everyone, I am looking at a couple of pre-built computers from Micro Center and wanted to get some feedback.

System 1 has plenty of what I need in regards to CPU and GPU, but may be lacking on the RAM and SSD/HDD front...but overall very reasonably priced.

System 2 has probably more than I need, but "near future" proof, but is it too much? And is it truly worth the $800 more?

Is there any possibly way to get system 1 closer to system 2, but keep it under $2000? I have checked the parts from system 1 on NewEgg and just in parts alone, it would cost more to get the parts and build it myself.

Just wanting some feedback from those out there that are better with systems/builds than I am...

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Firecrackr1Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:00 pm

System 1 should work fine. Ram is enough and unless you have a lot of videos or photos the storage is nice.
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Snap71Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:22 pm

I almost built one for myself but when I saw the cost of parts and the time it would take - I said, well it is easier to just buy one. Just not a do it your self guy I guess. I am looking for a new one in the future - like around the new year for my other house. Costs were too uch and unexpected and it would be swell to eat every day..... I bought an ASUS and plan on doing that again. Very good company and computer. After a year mine is not sold as configured anymore. Hindsight is I should have spent the extra for the next more capable machine, But I am still good  and can always upgrade components after the warranty runs out if I need to. It will hold all the latest cards. So my advice is buy either option and don't hindsight yourself - you will be fine either way IMO.
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JohnnyThu Aug 24, 2017 3:08 pm

Go with the first one,  that's more than enough power to game for many years to come.
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three6Fri Aug 25, 2017 2:17 pm

System 1 will destroy any game at 1080p and 1440p, you should even get 60 fps at 4k if you want. Youll be good for at least 4 years.
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TazmanFri Aug 25, 2017 3:07 pm

Thanks guys...I REALLY appreciate the feedback. I am looking across other company pre-builts and I am not finding anything that would match that price. I am even thinking I may go with a 4K monitor...even looking at the curved ones, as Micro Center has some within a decent price range.

Hoping to be back in the game as quickly as possible...

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TazmanMon Aug 28, 2017 3:33 pm

Ok...got my tower...got a new monitor...starting the setup process...hoping to be gaming at some point over the next day or two and see what this graphics and monitor combo give me in regards BF1.

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Snap71Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:29 pm

Taz = that is great did you go with Micro Center? Do you know if they  they have a warranty and good Customer Service people adn easy shipment back for warranty work if required?
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TazmanTue Aug 29, 2017 12:36 am

Yes...went to Micro Center...went with the PowerSpec G428...got their accidental damage warranty. If it needs fixing, they have an in-house 48 hour turn around. If they can't fix it or if I melt it via OC'ing or if I spill a 2-liter of coke on it...they replace it. If for some reason I burn out my MSI 1080...and they no longer have the 1080...they give me the 1180 or 1280 or whatever they have that is comparable in price. I also got a 144k monitor...actually looking to see what this combo does in BF1...hoping to find that out tonight!!!
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three6Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:24 am

darn..  you're gonna love bf1. make sure u adjust your video settings to make sure its 144hz.
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Snap71Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:16 pm

Thanks Taz I look forward to seeing you in the game!
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Peaches1Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:20 am

build it yourself ! that being said, buy number 1 and add ram later as your need grows.
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TazmanWed Aug 30, 2017 2:58 am

Peaches...I have normally built my computers, but as I priced out the parts, it was over $2000 without a case and without the OS!! So...decided to buy it and get the Micro Center warranty. Just seemed like the better move on this one!!

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