Polite & Friendly's


Help with Blk Ops rank problem

3HATbSat Apr 08, 2017 2:01 am

Hi guys, I hope one of you can point me in the right direction.

Close to a year ago, I started to get rank errors: rank for BillyBlueBlazes has become corrupt and has reverted to 1...  I lost one of my Prestige slots (6), and since then I can't change any of my weapons slots.

It changes while I'm in edit mode but nothing saves.

I thought playing up to 50 again would fix it, bit I just reverted to rank one again.

I can play with the weapons load outs I had selected before the crash, even on rank one, I can use Commando, etc.

Google is not much help, it said to send a tweet to Activision support, nothing.

Some Google returns suggested this is a punishment from Treyarch or Activision, but I would know what I did to get it.

Anyone experience this?

Thanks for any help.

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Natb1Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:12 am

Hey there BillyBlueBlazes...i also get the same problem once in awhile which is no fun at all...as long you don't touch anything like your classes i believe it is suppose to come back
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3HATbSat Apr 08, 2017 5:07 pm

Natb1 wrote:

Hey there BillyBlueBlazes...i also get the same problem once in awhile which is no fun at all...as long you don't touch anything like your classes i believe it is suppose to come back

Thanks for the reply... I'll wait and see.
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Natb1Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:18 pm

alright. I hope it all goes well..sometimes it won't work but its suppose too
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3HATbSun Apr 09, 2017 9:53 pm

Well, if that don't beat all... I don't know if it was the tweet, the post here or just waiting it out, but my game is acting normal again.

I have my slot 6 back, and I don't have access to any previous load outs, just what you would expect at rank 4.

Looks like it's working the way it should for once, except I wasn't going to do the prestige thing again, but oh well, just glad it works.
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Natb1Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:04 pm

i knew it would. hopefully it all comes back
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