Polite & Friendly's


Patch Notes 13/12/2016

X-TaticMon Dec 12, 2016 12:03 pm

Extra noteworthy changes:

- Teamkill confirmations in hardcore kill log!
- Harcore damage reduced to 125%  ("125% damage will still create far more lethal up close damage, for all kits, but will prevent bolt action rifles from being one hit kill at all ranges vs all body types.")
- Large map in hardcore (not spotting)
- Spectator Mode
- Standard issue rifle mode (only bolts, no scopes)
- Solider cant sprint from crouch/prone
- Squads with players in a party now stay unlocked if there are only two players in the party
- Landship got massive buffs
- Nerf on plane rear gunners
- Tank hunter +26% damage against tanks
- Shotgun nerf!
- LMG buff!
- Medic syringe is limited, need ammo pack
- 3 different crash fixes
- Fixedrubber banding issues and non-smooth movement of airplanes in MP
- Increased score difference between teams needed for behemoth to appear
- Fixed an issue where players sometimes became invisible when exiting certain vehicles
- Flare projectile now breaks glass
- Fixed an issue causing delays in game chat
- Fixed an issue where the round bonus score bar in EoR personal tab was counting up and then disappearing

Full Notes: http://pastebin.com/MRYABYZA
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mr-tMon Dec 12, 2016 8:38 pm

thanks x-tatic
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JohnnyTue Dec 13, 2016 2:58 pm

I didn't see anything on the rent a server options yet
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