Polite & Friendly's


blackops 3 dedicated servers???

LADYHAWKWed Sep 28, 2016 3:22 pm

the latest update has shown up dedicated servers.....could it be true????
I bet none are rentable or they control all servers.....
would be great news if they offer rentable servers as im really into this game now Smile oh and zombies ROCKS!!!
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spacepiggioWed Sep 28, 2016 8:31 pm

All game servers are dedicated it is whether they are rentable or not but I did some searching & found this link. I am going to reload the game & do some more research cause I like this game too. I just don't like the current cloud system, too laggy.

BOP's III Steam Workshop

EDIT: OK, I just looked at Steam & they have the game on sale & I did not see anything on rented servers. The BETA is available with the last update but I did not buy the game. After buying BOP's II & not having rentable servers I gave up on them. I did get to play the game in alpha or beta though & liked it but not buying it without a server. If someone in the clan who is more tech savvy could check this out I would appreciate it, I would like to buy it while it is on sale. It looks like the BETA is unranked right now.

Here is more info on the SWS for BOP's III:

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