Polite & Friendly's


Head DI bar.

DiggerBazMon May 16, 2016 9:49 pm

G'day Sig team. I'd like someone to please create a Head Drill Instructor bar please. Also, I'd like my Sig modified to reflect my Captain's rank. Kind regards DiggerBaz
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shaneHTue May 17, 2016 12:47 am

Although I do not have the original file for your sig, I can attempt to edit your rank in, but if someone that is still active made it they can do it if they want.

Also I will try my best with the DI bar.

Best Regards,
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Silent_WolfTue May 17, 2016 2:43 am

Hey Dig,  Lets see if Kula sees this point.  I know hes worked on replacing the rank on your sig in the past.  As for the head Di bar.  Do you want the same bar we already have, the the added text or would you like me to create something new?
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DiggerBazTue May 17, 2016 7:13 am

G'day Silent,  Perhaps a new Sig for Head DI please if not too much trouble. I'll PM Kula re my sig. Thanks again.
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