Windows 10 will be rolling g out next week. Any advantages or disadvantages to it?
some people are saying if you like windows 7 you'll like windows 10 more. going to try it out
I'm not a first adopter so I'm waiting - we have a long time to make the jump at no cost.
Waiting for more info. !
I'm going to take the plunge. I am interested to see what it looks like and how compatible it will be with games and developing software. I will let you all know how it is and if there are any fixes necessary for older games with compatibility for games such as waw.
I am currently using Windows 8.1 and hating the experience. Apparently Microsoft is giving away Windows 10 as a sort of apology for Windows 8
Can't hurt to try it! <<<<<---- "Famous last words"
I'm upgrading my acer ultrabook (currently running 8.1/upgrade from

its my non-gaming system so it will be the test subject; on the otherhand my win7 ultimate most likely will not get an upgrade unless I find it very beneficial to do so
Tek wrote:
I am currently using Windows 8.1 and hating the experience. Apparently Microsoft is giving away Windows 10 as a sort of apology for Windows 8
Can't hurt to try it! <<<<<---- "Famous last words"
Three of my six computers here run 8.1(two laptops and my gaming rig) and I honestly don't have any problems on any of them. That said i will upgrade my main laptop first to get a feel for things then move on with my gaming rig if all is well.
heard that windows 7 professional and higher get win 10 pro and windows 7 home prem and lower get win 10 home. im pretty sure all win 8-8.1 users get win 10 pro...
i'm gonna wait,( the cowards way) and see how the rest of the world responds.
I'm going to be downloading windows 10 today. I will let you all know how it goes.