Polite & Friendly's


New rig in the making

Firecrackr1Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:13 am

First want to thank all for the ideas Saturday night that could cause my wife's pc to die. Turns out not to be a virus but the usb 3.0 circuit died. Plugged keyboard and mouse to usb 2.0 ports and all works. This after a fresh reinstall of windows8.
Soooo, the wife wants no more problems therefore I'm building my new rig and she'll get mine.
Here's my components, please make any suggestions pro or con.





No hard drive since I'm swapping out mine and hers.
750w psu enough for the above?
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Firecrackr1Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:51 am

Almost forgot,


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three6Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:20 am

Illl be selling my gtx 970 soons i get a fury X if you wanna hold out lol  250 shipped
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three6Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:21 am

also a quality 500 watt psu would be good enough
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SMedicMon Jun 22, 2015 11:52 am

no, his choice of p/s is cool, 500 watt is lower limits of that video card, I always shoot abit higher just to be sure, I like everything except the add-on heat sink and fan, I always used boxed heatsink that comes with the cpu to ensure no warranty issues down the road, its hard to beat what intel delivers with their cpu's as far as longevity... looks like sweet build.... intel's heatsink will be copper based with a nice ribbed fin's and a fan that is guaranteed to keep it cool as long as you keep the dust out...
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Firecrackr1Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:49 pm

You make a good point SMedic, heat sink is gone.
Three6, I'll pass on your card. I want to order by weeks end but thanks for the offer.
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Firecrackr1Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:08 pm

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xVoodooTue Jun 23, 2015 3:26 pm

Looks good. 1 rule of thumb I've always followed for PSU's is "overkill is a good thing". If you think that you'll be fine with a 750w, get a 1000w. The reason being is less stress on the PSU, therefore longer life. I've personally always gone overboard with PSU's and have never ever had an issue, in fact a 400w Thermaltake that I purchased new about 8 years ago is still running in a net viewer pc that I sold too a friend about 4 years ago. Its never been stressed or overloaded and still runs like a charm. Keep in mind that when PSU's fail they can take out your mobo or GPU in a flash.
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SMedicTue Jun 23, 2015 8:01 pm

stick with that Antec p/s brand though, they defiantly have a proven p/s in the longevity department, its all i use...

The other thing to remember though, that 1000 watt p/s takes a full case, its a monster length wise, but it's the guy I run in all my gamers, never know what that next video card is gonna pull, and some guys like to double them up...
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Firecrackr1Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:23 pm

I already have an Antec 1200, it's a beast in size! I have enough room for a truck or 2 inside.Rolling Eyes
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xVoodooThu Jun 25, 2015 12:34 pm

Firecrackr1 wrote:

I already have an Antec 1200, it's a beast in size! I have enough room for a truck or 2 inside.Rolling Eyes

Laughing    power is no problem then, and cooling should be good too. Loads of case fans will keep her running nice and cool  Cool
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MooseheadThu Jun 25, 2015 3:57 pm

What are the HDMI ports on the MB for?
It doesnt have onboard video, correct?
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TekThu Jun 25, 2015 4:20 pm

What kind of DDR3 will you be going with? I'm looking at possibly upping mine and was looking to find the best buy for the buck that will run our games.
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Firecrackr1Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:52 pm

HDMI ports are for monitor connection
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xVoodooTue Jun 30, 2015 3:15 pm

Moosehead wrote:

What are the HDMI ports on the MB for?
It doesnt have onboard video, correct?

HDMI ports on a mobo are usually reserved for hooking up to the HDMI port on a TV or monitor, but wont produce the kind of graphics quality needed to play the more advanced games of today. Not bad for watching movies though. The onboard video capabilities for this mobo are CPU supported and utilize a portion of the system memory.
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