OK, I finally broke down and am buying a laser mouse. I got tired of my sights jumping from point to point when trying to line up for a tight shot. Everyone talked them up so much, I figured I would give it a go. That said, I could spend the big buck after my recent upgrade, so I ordered
this. Looks liked a pretty good deal for the money.
That mouse looks awesome. Didnt see the description but it looks like you can lower the dpi if u want which is really nice. And a 5 button selection is great too, know u can add knifeing to it

. And that price is really cheap for that high grade of a mouse. I think i might have to order one now, great, now the wife is going to get made at me for buying more computer parts. Thanks!
That mouse looks awesome, especailly if you are like me and have big meat hooks for hands! Its about 35 bucks less then my Razer DeathAdder with higher DPI....I probably would have checked that one out if I had known...
Yeah, I couldn't believe the cost....easy to convince my CFO (read: wife) to approve my requesiton to get it with prices like that