Polite & Friendly's



BullittSat May 23, 2009 8:12 pm

This is my third try at creating a sig and I kinda like it but it turned out a little darker than what I had hoped.  What do you guys think

Also where do you get the cool BK font that I am seeing in some of the sigs.

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StrandSat May 23, 2009 8:16 pm

its pretty good, how long have you been creating sigs for? Also we like to have the sigs uniform in size, we use a 400 x 120 template, if its too much of a bother don't worry about it. As for the font we use, its called "formfound.com" it can be found on dafont.com

If you are interested you might be able to become part of the design team, we have section of the forums dedicated for us, with lots of resources, tutorials, etc.
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Fish_USNSat May 23, 2009 8:39 pm

Nice job.... I agree with Strand.  You should consider joining the graphics team.
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BullittSun May 24, 2009 10:51 pm

Sounds cool.  Maybe I can help in some way.  I am kinda slow at it and still learning
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Fish_USNMon May 25, 2009 12:01 am

Hey Bullitt,

I hope you're not offended but I wanted to try and help you out a little.  I reworked your sig based on your comments that it was too light and resized it from 360 px X 150 to the BK standard sig size 400 px X 120 px.

1.  I copied your sig above and saved it to my computer
2.  Opened my graphics program PSP X2 Photograph and created a sig template (canvas) that was 120 px high by 400 px wide
3.  Then pasted your sig onto the new template.  And then pasted it 4 more times (overlapping) to fill the space (your sig obviously smaller than 400 px wide)
4.  I then merged all the layers and smudged the backround to get the desiired effect and keep consistant with what you had.
5.  I then pasted you sig again (this time only once).
6.  I erased your text  so that I would have a clean pallette.
7.  Using a combination of blend and cloning I then worked to get an even transition from the smaller width wise layer to the new larger layer underneath
8.  Then using the select tool I picked out the image of the soldier and worked with the brighness and contrast to make him a little darker to make the figure more prominent.
9.  I then added another layer for the text "Bullitt"  and copied the coloring from the existing sig.
10. I then added another layer for the text "BK" and colored it likewise.
11.  I saved the entire sig in the native PSP format so that I can make changes to any existing layer.
12.  I then did a save as Bullitt.png
                PNG is portable network graphic which will preserve any transparency where as a JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group will turn the transparent sections white.
13.  Then merged all the layers of the PNG file which reverted me back to one layer.
14.  I then added a gradient border (color mateched to the sig)  to give it a little separation from the background of the forums.

You may not see much difference from the original to what I did and that was the goal.  It is afterall your design.  

Here is the result of the above process.

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wesleyMon May 25, 2009 4:58 am

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BullittMon May 25, 2009 4:49 pm

Very nice Fish.  Not offended at all and thanks for the help.  The change is subtle.  Where can I get the banners?  They look sweet.  Here is another try at a sig.
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