Polite & Friendly's


Teamspeak 3 issue

HawkeyeThu Aug 21, 2014 6:18 pm

Hey, I'm not sure if it's my internet service provider, Teamspeak 3 update that just happened, or our Teamspeak 3 Server...BUT.....

My country flag is showing me from France, when I am from the USA... I have installed it on another computer and it still shows me from France so it's not anything on my PC.

Any ideas?
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DiggerBazThu Aug 21, 2014 7:43 pm

Maybe you have French blood and don't know it.
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tetThu Aug 21, 2014 8:17 pm

Most likely something from your ISP that you can't change.
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TazmanThu Aug 21, 2014 8:40 pm

TS Support Forum:

We use an external service to resolve an Server IP and this database will be updated in the beginning of every month.

Here is the way to solve this problem.

1. Visit http://www.ip2location.com/free.asp
2. Enter your Ip and check the result
3. Send your update and location to update [at] ip2location [dot] com

We grab and use their updates, when we release a new server version.
There is nothing more, that we or you can do here.

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HawkeyeThu Aug 21, 2014 9:40 pm

Tazman wrote:

TS Support Forum:

We use an external service to resolve an Server IP and this database will be updated in the beginning of every month.

Here is the way to solve this problem.

1. Visit http://www.ip2location.com/free.asp
2. Enter your Ip and check the result
3. Send your update and location to update [at] ip2location [dot] com

We grab and use their updates, when we release a new server version.
There is nothing more, that we or you can do here.


Thanks, I saw that too....wanted to see if it was on my end, our server or TS itself.... I called my service provider, they flat out told me I installed a french version of TS....Gota love those smart representitives that are out there.....lol
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KarmaFri Aug 22, 2014 7:09 am

Juste apprendre a parler francais

(Just learn to speak French)

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TazmanFri Aug 22, 2014 2:12 pm

Ok...that is funny Hawkeye!!!

And great response Karma!!!
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DELETEDSat Aug 23, 2014 5:05 am

Saw that the other day and poked you on TS. Thought you got lost at work.  Laughing
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HawkeyeSat Aug 23, 2014 3:21 pm

Tazman wrote:

TS Support Forum:

We use an external service to resolve an Server IP and this database will be updated in the beginning of every month.

Here is the way to solve this problem.

1. Visit http://www.ip2location.com/free.asp
2. Enter your Ip and check the result
3. Send your update and location to update [at] ip2location [dot] com

We grab and use their updates, when we release a new server version.
There is nothing more, that we or you can do here.


Ha! I did this and guess what response I got from there?

Please ask teamspeak to update their database.


Kim Loong
IP2Location Sales & Support Team
Hexasoft Development Sdn Bhd
Website: http://www.ip2location.

I have a post in the TS forums as well...someone should take blame for this....lol
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