Polite & Friendly's


Steam Summer Sale Started Today

BlueTravelerThu Jun 19, 2014 10:00 pm

The Steam Summer Sale started today.  For anyone looking for a good deal on a game you should check it out frequently.  

  • New deals every day and new Flash Deals every 8 hours.  Usually most games are on sale.
  • Typically any price you see on a game that is not part of a daily deal or flash deal will not increase throughout the sale.
  • If you are looking to get a particular game, it is usually best to wait until the last day of the sale to buy it.  The reason being is that it might just become a daily deal or a flash deal which will result in greater savings for you!
  • The price you see for a game that is part of a Daily Deal or Flash Deal is the lowest it will be offered at during the sale.

I also recommend that you participate in the community choice voting which happens every 8 hours.  For every 3 votes you make, you get a Steam Trading Card.  You can sell Steam Trading Cards in Steam's marketplace.  This includes any Steam Trading Cards you get for playing games.  If you are not interested in collecting the cards, I recommend you sell them.  They don't usually sell for much, $0.10 or so, but this money goes into your Steam Wallet and can be used to purchase other games.  The earlier you obtain a card (before others) and get it up on the Marketplace, the more money you can get for it.  My recommendation is to put a card up as soon as you get it and for slightly less than the most recent price (Steam provides you with a handy graph to see the price trend for your card).  1 or 2 cents is usually enough.  This will result in you making a sale quicker, and also why you will see the price on the graph continue to drop.

I hope this helps someone get a good deal on a game they may have been wanting or one you wanted to try but maybe weren't willing to pay full price for.
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DustyThu Jun 19, 2014 10:17 pm

Also a note,
Make sure you join a color team.
Points are tallied each day and the team with the most wins a free card for every member that contributed points that day. Also, a lucky 30 people get one game on their wishlist gifted to them for free. so make sure you have an updated wish list.

You gain 10 points by crafting badges out of all 10 summer sale cards or 1 point for crafting any other game badge.
I would suggest crafting one regular game badge a day to make sure if your team wins, you get a free card.
If you don't want to deal with your cards, and you don't care about selling them, post which ones you have in the thread below so that you can help out your fellow BK members that are collecting them.

Happy Steam Sale-ing!!
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xVoodooThu Jun 19, 2014 10:25 pm

Thanks Traveler and Dusty, good info for those looking for new games. I've had a steam account for years and wasn't aware of the Trading Cards  Confused
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