Windows 7 Pro 64bit
FranklinThu Mar 27, 2014 10:00 pm
Question. Dose Win 7 auto defrag your hard drives, or do you need to perform it manually??
Thank You.
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mr-tThu Mar 27, 2014 10:47 pm
depends on if you have a hdd or ssd, if you have a hdd then yes by default it defrags about once a week taking that the computer is on during that time mine never was on at 3am so i changed the time to something more appropriate, if you have a ssd then defrag is turned off and wants to stay that way a ssd does NOT need defragging.
not sure if it does all hdd but definitely the one with the os on
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Firecrackr1Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:28 pm
My defrag is last day of the month at 1am.
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FranklinFri Mar 28, 2014 1:12 am
OK, thank you all very much.....
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