Polite & Friendly's


Graphic Card Decision - NEED HELP!!!

TazmanThu Mar 27, 2014 1:56 pm

Hey All,
Looks like it's my turn to get some graphic card help.  I currently have an Nvidia-based GeForce GTX 550 Ti 2GB card, I got the OK to get an upgrade and need some help choosing from the following.  I am going through Best Buy, as I have $100 worth of gift cards and reward certificates, so it already makes most of the cards that I am looking at cheaper than other places I am seeing.  If you see these cheaper somewhere else, let me know...

On to the cards:

Gigabyte GTX 750 Ti 2GB


Zotac GTX 760 2GB


I know they aren't the top of the line, but they are better than what I have, but is it truly worth the jump from the 550 to a 750 or 760???

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AbramThu Mar 27, 2014 2:30 pm

Which ever is the most expensive.  I'm guessing it's the 760, by a large margin Yes, quite  worth it.

I'd take MSI,  but only because I've no experience with Zotac. Hm but the Zotac has a better cooler... two larger fans, but on the other hand, the MSI will spit that hot air out the back, whereas most of the air over teh Zotac will remain in the case. Choosing between two unfamiliar companies, I research warranty support experiences from others, and dive into reviews, watching for common 'cons'.
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KulamonsterThu Mar 27, 2014 3:55 pm

Oh just splurge Tazman and get the new nVidia GTX Titan Z card (only $2999.00).

Seriously, I would go with the MSI  GTX 760, or if you have a couple extra bucks you can throw in, then look at the GTX 770.
The 770 is not that much more expensive, but it will give you over a 1,000 point increase on the G3D Mark benchmark score. (just food for thought)

Your 550 - benchmark = 1,900
750 = 3,623
760 = 4,997
770 = 6,209

Good luck with the card hunt!
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TazmanThu Mar 27, 2014 4:10 pm

I will look into both of those suggestions later this afternoon...maybe I will spend my whole tax refund and get the Titan!!!  (Yeah Right!!!)

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TwoFourThu Mar 27, 2014 4:15 pm

I'm running a GTX680...works great....BF4 video settings all on "Ultra"...getting 55-85 FPS
BTW, EVGA all the way!!

my 2 cents
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JohnnyThu Mar 27, 2014 4:25 pm

Skip all that junk and go with a R9 290x. Enjoy!!   Or I can sell you one of my Xfx 7950 Black cards......SWEET
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TazmanThu Mar 27, 2014 4:35 pm

Um yeah...didn't you not see that the cards i was looking at were ALL under the price of the cards you just brought up Johnny?!?!?  HOLY SMOKES Batman!!!

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MouseThu Mar 27, 2014 6:39 pm

I say get one from an old black and white tv and run it. It prolly has a xfx 3 with 1KB of stuff to keep it running. That way everyone can see you just fine while you on the other hand I will be able to shoot easier. Can't you just feel the love I am sharing, " you are so beautiful (when your dead from my bullet) to meeeeeeeeeee".. Oh by the way you might wanna clean up the cob webs from it as it may have say around a  while.
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JohnnyThu Mar 27, 2014 6:54 pm

Tazman wrote:

Um yeah...didn't you not see that the cards i was looking at were ALL under the price of the cards you just brought up Johnny?!?!?  HOLY SMOKES Batman!!!


I will sell you my XFX double D 7950 BLACK for 240.00 You will love it......
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MouseThu Mar 27, 2014 9:21 pm

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TazmanThu Mar 27, 2014 10:53 pm

Are you telling me that I won't love the graphics card or that $240 isn't a good deal??? What are you trying to say Absolute?!?!

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Firecrackr1Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:26 pm

I'm with two-four, I always go EVGA. Some cards have lifetime guarantee.
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MisterDFri Mar 28, 2014 9:24 am

I Have a EVGA gtx 760 and I'm happy with it.  But I also upgraded my cpu to eliminate any bottleneck.  My old Anthlon II 620 was not allowing my gpu to work at its potential.
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woofer12Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:37 pm

go the gigabyte 750.excellent card.
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