Slow to Fast?
FranklinTue Mar 25, 2014 5:59 pm
I was wondering if someone might be able to help me here. I have had my computer for a good three years. But I have updated the graphics card and RAM. It still runs good, but not at the quickness it used to be. Within those three years, I must have reformatted four time + . I have CCleaner, Malwarebites, and Nod-32 as a antivirus program. Now I don't run much in the back ground except for a clock and Weather. Is there any other was I can "Clean" short then reformatting???
Thank You.
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AbramTue Mar 25, 2014 6:08 pm
Sometimes a format is just the thing to do... Have you defragged lately? Have you checked your temperatures? Anything under 60c for your CPU, and under 80c for your GPU is considered good.
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Snap71Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:41 pm
How about your internet is it stable and fast.
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Silent_WolfTue Mar 25, 2014 6:59 pm
If this is already known, Im sorry for asking, but what OS are you using?
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FranklinTue Mar 25, 2014 8:31 pm
OS win 7 63bit
My computer defragges itself on a regular basis. My net speed is VERY stable. And to be honest, I would rather get myself a SSD drive.
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Silent_WolfTue Mar 25, 2014 8:45 pm
A while back I had a friend of mine that got really sick. No one could figure out what was wrong with him, but they kept putting him on meds. He took so many pills he had more drugs in his bathroom then Walgreen's.
He was on these pill for so many years, it just become his way of life.
After a few years, his doctor retired and when his new doctor saw him everything was, he started to take him off of the meds.
Turns out what ever was wrong with him was something short term and it went away on its own. The meds were keeping him sick and taking him off of them made him better.
Moral of the story: Having CCleaner, Malwarebites, and Nod-32 as a antivirus program could be causing the issues and creating restrictions.
Just a thought.
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FranklinTue Mar 25, 2014 10:12 pm
Yes, your quite correct. And the Story that you told is so very true at this time in history. Once you get on meds, your most likely to stay on them for the rest of your life so that the doctor doesn't have to hear you complain about it any longer. That's why it is the utmost thing to keep you happy and strong is ALWAYS do your home work on meds that are given to you. That way you have the knowledge when to stop taking the damn things.......
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Firecrackr1Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:59 pm
About once a year I do a defrag of the boot sector of my hdd.
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