AMD "Mantle" GPU API released, and it's BF4 compat
AbramSun Feb 02, 2014 5:40 pm
Heard about this a while back. Although I'm still a bit skeptical, the benchmarks list in the link look promising. I shall have to give it a try alter today.
Benchmarks from BF4 in various conditions.
And the driver set: Some are weary of Beta drivers, but I use them all the time. Between AMD and Nvidia, I can count the number of bad Beta drivers on one hand.
If anyone else wants to post their own benchmarks, I'd love to see them. I will post mine later. I guess the easiest way to get consistency is to load up the single player, or spawn into a safe place and find a corner.
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AbramMon Feb 03, 2014 5:58 am
So i started with the 13.2 Final AMD drivers. running at 6032x1200 resolution, all other getting at High/Ultra, with AA off and Post AA at 2x.
Single player - 39-40fps
MP on Shanghai Rising - 40-41fps
Installed these Beta drviers, enabled Mantle API in the video options, restarted, and...
Single player - 46-47fps
MP on Shanghai Raising - 49-52fps
(yes, the exact same spot, looking in the same direction as before)
So ya, a pretty bloody nice increase, if you ask me. And i may be nuts, but I think the effects looks a bit more detailed. That's what I get for not taking screenshots.
So if anyone else runs a 7xxx or newer AMD GPU, I totally recommend these drivers. I'm sure one could expect at least the same results on single screen. Runnign the game at such a high resolution really chews up my system, and squeezing another +20% out of my framerate is pretty sweet.
Though, one drawback I noticed was that since it doesn't use Directx directly, my Fraps and TS3 overlays didn't come up.
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three6Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:04 pm
What do you use to benchmark?
From what i hear , Mantel helps remove any bottlenecking when you pair up lower end CPU with med/high end AMD GPU's thus increasing FPS.
Also people with 2 or more GPU's will see a nice increase also no matter what CPU they have.
Cant wait till its fully optimised for each CGN card and more games use it
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AbramMon Feb 03, 2014 4:11 pm
I just used the "perfoverlay.drawfps 1"  console command.  I have a high end CPU (2700k 4.5ghz)  and GPU (7970 *cough* only one *cough*) and i still saw  a great improvement. Â
Upon more reading  it seems that some folks with the newest cards have been reporting some wacky results.  Since this is the first public release,  i expect it to improve as it matures.
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three6Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:26 pm
Ahh.. ya was wondering if you used a 3rd party program to bench.
Wiith higher end cpu's your min and average fps should rise up and max fps will also but not as much i believe.
Soons the stupid prices for amd cards go away you will have your second card lol
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AbramMon Feb 03, 2014 4:37 pm
As i mentioned, programs like Fraps use OpenGL or Directx, and I'm not aware of one that would be able to interpret the Mantle API.
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three6Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:52 pm
Oh yah lol, guess we will have to wait till fraps gets an update .
Im going to run some benches when i get home tonight, I only played a few minutes with mantle had some problems getting it to work. Turns out that i didnt diable my IGPU on my I5 and it was causing the game to crash when i went into options.
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GroundTrooperTue Feb 04, 2014 2:08 am
U mean 13.12 amd driver. Caused my r9 290 to jump up by 20 to 40 fps. And fraps runs fine on my setup with new driver.
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AbramTue Feb 04, 2014 2:12 am
Nope, 14.1 Beta 6. Once you get it installed, you have to select the new API in the BF4 Video Options, then restart the game.
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UFANSFri Feb 07, 2014 12:50 pm
Had to uninstall the Beta driver and went back to 13.12. Was causing to much lag and made my FPS drop. Running 2 R9 270X on Ultra and get 70 fps with 13.12, with the beta running Mantle first map would run great second would lag bring my FPS down to 50. All FPS was from Raptr after game stats. I will wait tell the full driver package comes out and try it again.
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AbramFri Feb 07, 2014 1:52 pm
Perhaps it has trouble with Crosire. I recall another emmber taht runs two cards having trouble. Also in other areas of the net, along with issues on those new cards. Drivers for new hardware is always a bit slwo to mature in the first place.. Still, my results are still excellent.
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UFANSFri Feb 07, 2014 2:04 pm
I will reinstall the beta's and try it without crossfire this weekend and post my results.
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