Polite & Friendly's


Final Ruling on BF4 Server 1 Crouch

LukeMon Jan 13, 2014 2:16 am

After a week of talking with the officer’s one on one the officers have come to a consensus. We did not do this lightly knowing that no matter what we did someone would be upset. No matter what your point of view is please understand we carefully listened to your views and did what we think is best for the team.

For the officers it came down to two options in the end. First keep crouch with no recon or second to allow recon but go to a run and gun infantry only server. The idea we kept coming back to was the concept that a crouch server is about movement. Without movement you really do not have a crouch server.

We were careful not to tie ourselves to the past. BF4 is not Call of Duty and just trying to apply COD ideas to a Battlefield game was not workable. Each game needs to be viewed individually without thought to what was in a different game.

After a lot of talk and thinking the officers have decided to stay with crouch and no recon. That could change if small maps come out in future map packs. Similar to BF3 and the close quarters map pack. We decided that it was best to encourage movement in the server. Snipers rifles rate of fire and accuracy limited movement in maps that are mostly open areas at this time. Unlike other weapons that have slower rate of fire and lower accuracy recon class just dominated the crouch server.

This is not the first time we have made a change to our rules with a new game. It was not till W@W that we that we started doing crouch. We did this to accommodate a different gaming environment to offer something different then every other server out there. Now in BF4 we have to again make a change to create an effective environment. By introducing crouch we change the way the game was made. We slow down the game play and limit players ability to move around the map. This changed the balance of the classes in favor recon. This was made clear by the vast majority of players on our server only using recon and non-recon players quickly left in favor of other server. This left our server as a reputation not of a crouch server but of a recon only server.

We understand that some people may wish to leave BK over this and we understand. We have already seen this happen over just the trail period. In the end we felt this offered a unique environment for our server as a crouch server and not just one more recon server. In the end we did what we thought was best for all 500 BK members and all 300 BF4 BK players.

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morguletMon Jan 13, 2014 2:24 am

I believe it is a good idea and i support the officers decision. I do believe it will help to keep it fun for all. I know that it will upset some i just hope everyone remembers we are here to play and have fun.
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Firecrackr1Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:30 am

I agree and support the officre's decision.
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Firecrackr1Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:30 am

I agree and support the officre's decision.
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AbramMon Jan 13, 2014 3:54 am

Drats - had me start yo think that we were going to turn it in to an Infantry server... :/

Since this idea was introduced, I have always heard of more appreciation, than detraction of this idea, so I suppose that means it's a good call. The few times I've played on that server when Recon was still allowed, i got spawn killed by snipers enough to eventually get fed up, leave the server.

I hope no one leaves over this, though. Even if you love crouch + recon, I've not seen any other crouch servers in BF4.
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BananaConventionMon Jan 13, 2014 6:08 am

This is the right decision.  I just wish I could get my ticket answered and I could play on the server to enjoy this new rule.
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MisterDMon Jan 13, 2014 9:57 am

I certainly hope nobody would quit and give the crouch/no recon a chance.  I'm able to play all other classes even shotties in some maps. Now you have a chance to get to cover and fight back.  I'm behind this decision 100 percent.
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TwoFourMon Jan 13, 2014 11:53 am

With the current maps available to us, I agree with the no Recon Ruling. Yes, a couple maps would be OK with Crouch & Recon, but that would get boring.
As Luke mentioned, maybe future maps will accommodate Crouch & Recon. I'm willing to be patient for the betterment of BK.
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UFANSMon Jan 13, 2014 4:14 pm

I agree with this decision.  Since removing recon I find myself on server 1 more often and enjoying it.  When the recon class was available I would go to server two or a different server all together.  Hard to enjoy a game that you take one step and die.  With DMR's you at least have a chance, unless it a head shot its a two shot kill.
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ToiletdkMon Jan 13, 2014 4:34 pm

Luke forgot to mention the other new rule..

No Duck Killing.  

Ducks are a very important part of your ecosystem.  Without them toilets would be dirty everywhere!  

You don't want a dirty toilet do you?  Ew..  So no murdering ducks.  The toilet you save, might just be your own..
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TipsterMon Jan 13, 2014 5:09 pm

I agree and support the officre's decision, it's the right thing to do.
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N7_WrathMon Jan 13, 2014 6:02 pm

I agree with the change and I support the officers decision
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TheTruthTue Jan 14, 2014 12:28 am

I hate to disagree. But hey I am the Truth LOL .. I do not like the decision Not to say I will support it though. I still believe that the DMR's are a sniper class weapon so if you take out recon you need to remove them too.
DMR (Designated Marksman Rifile) ... kind of self explanatory.  That and when I added a mid range scope to one I started getting sniper ribbons for kills with a MOD
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FlannoSun Jan 19, 2014 11:03 pm

I agree.....
But disagree with the 'No Toiletduck Killing" proposal.
It's duck season!!! Smile
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