Polite & Friendly's


Boxing Day

DELETEDThu Dec 26, 2013 4:59 pm

On TS there's been a few mention our Canadian Boxing Day which I'm sure most thought we were talking about a hockey game. Laughing Now days it's the day after Christmas which has stores open for huge sales where people line up for the deals. Here is the short version of it's origin.

WHAT is Boxing Day anyway? Is it to gather up all those empty Christmas gift boxes and cram them into a recycling box (flattened, of course, and with no wrapping)? Well, yes, but its origins are better than that. And they point to a tradition that time has rendered both quaint and passé in this commercialized world.
Boxing Day was originally the day after Christmas when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts from their employers, called Christmas boxes.
In Britain, since they would have to wait on their masters on Christmas Day, the servants of the wealthy were allowed the next day to visit their families. The employers would give each servant a box to take home containing gifts and bonuses, and sometimes leftover food.
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AbramThu Dec 26, 2013 5:11 pm

I've already ordered 5 things. I don't celebrate the holidays and therefor have nothing to box up. THis is the only way I can give it recognition. Yes, that's it....

Plus, it's a extra stat day. Year-end paycheques are always nice. Yes, paycheques! With a Q! take that!
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DiggerBazThu Dec 26, 2013 8:24 pm

Thanks Reg. We also have the Boxing Day holiday. However, in today;s day and age, we use it to continue the eat and drink fest from Christmas eve. I followed that tradition this year and look like a dwarf from The Hobbit (but without the beard). who has downed 10 pints of ale and consumed numerous legs of cooked beast. So now the day after, I am about to walk my dog and try and undo the previous days' gluttony. Oh and Abram, I'm glad you learnt who to spell "cheque"
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CptSobelFri Dec 27, 2013 1:49 am

We having Boxing Day in the U.S. but it's not the day after Christmas. It occurs Everytime a new pair of Nike Air Jordan's are released!
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