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Top Gaming Headset

FranklinThu Dec 19, 2013 8:35 pm

Right know I have the Roccat Kave Trure 5.1 head set. There are Very Good, but the issuers that I run into is the tiny volume "Box" that has sliders for Center speaker, Front, Back, and Sub. The volume control is a mess. Why, I have no idea. They work in some programs, but in others you need to set your levels before you go in because the volume control dose not work. My question here is this. I have heard that the "Tritton Pro+ 5.1" are the top performers.  I'll look into the price, but right now on the headsets that I have, I need to replace the padded ear covers......Any Suggestions???

Thank You.
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PastorDanThu Dec 19, 2013 10:38 pm

I am on my second pair of Gamcom 777; I really like them even though there are much newer ones out there.  The main weakness and why I have had to replace it once is when you take them off you can crack the plastic on the top and then they no longer fit on your head.  I have been much more gentler with my current pair and have had them two years and still going strong.  The other reason I like them is I can get them pretty cheap compared to others on the market since they are an older pair; Amazon has them for $42.95  

I am sure there are better ones, but I need to pinch pennies on gaming, and so this pair is perfect for me.
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SuniGunzThu Dec 19, 2013 11:16 pm

turtle beach makes good head phones
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SSMajorKoenigThu Dec 19, 2013 11:32 pm

I would like to know as well Im missing my right headphone ...my left one is taped up as well as my mic
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AbramFri Dec 20, 2013 12:29 am

I've read and heard nothing but good about 'Astro'  headsets.  Though they are pricey. I always suggest real surround headphones. THough they are few, compared to the vitual surround ones, which have two physical drivers. Granted, virtual surround still beats ol' stereo, but I get sooo many kills if I can tell where a player is approaching from.

When i was shopping for mine, i was going to buy a set of Astros, but they were out of my price range. It came down to the Roccat Kaves and the Tritton 590s. I settled on the Kaves, because they were reported to have better speaker separation. Be sure to look at a dedicated audio card, too. The newer onboard audio chipsets are far better than they used to be, but dedicated will still give you cleaner audio.
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Firecrackr1Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:18 am

I have a logitech g35 headset that I've had for a few years now.
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skelletFri Dec 20, 2013 2:45 am

i use a cup with string attached to the front of my computer...it works as both speaker and mic..I just hang it over my ear and its like blue tooth
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BlckKnght67Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:41 am

I have a pair of Astro A40's for my PC and Xbox One. They are a bit more pricey than some others but they are amazing quality. Check them out.

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FranklinFri Dec 20, 2013 3:42 am

My sound card is way above the on board sound card. If I happen to com across the money, I'll go with the Astro.
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