Polite & Friendly's


An Opinion of the Change in Rules. And a request if possible

Unicorn_GigglesSun Dec 08, 2013 6:57 am

In my humble opinion, I think the walk while sighted change has compromised the integrity of the server. It is far too easily and far too often abused, and it damages the essence of the crouch aspect of game play.

And secondly. Would it be possible to have some smaller maps on the BF4 crouch server. The current ones are just to big, and leave little to know hope for pistols and shotguns. Some close quarter maps are badly needed.

Thank you.
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WolfFangSun Dec 08, 2013 6:15 pm

I dont see too much of an issue with the sights up mode of travel. at least on my side most of the time I am moving just as slow as crouch. I know pistols and maybe a few other guns allow faster travel but I dont think it is any worse than it has been. There are still runners and will continue to be until they either tire of getting kicked or some other game gets their interest.

Now let me step on my crate and lecture for a minute. Maybe its cause I started with BF before any of the COD games but BF has always been made for running and driving etc. Not like COD were for the most part it is completely an infantry game. The maps in the COD franchise are designed for close quarters fights. Not that BF cant be played that way but by design it's not made for that. It was made for a coordinated attack/defense from all aspects of fighting be it air, land, sea, and infantry.

The maps are therefore more open and playing a close-quarters style of play like crouch to move is going to be hard and irritating at times. Sniping and ugly spawns can be quite annoying but if you realize DICE and EA never intended for the players to have to cover wide open areas at a slow pace, then you will see my point. I have to remind myself of that fact all the time cause I get frustrated at constantly spawning on the outside of the maps being unable to get to an objective. Hopefully some of the new DLC maps will provice us with more likely maps for this style of play as it has in the past. Some are decent but still not what we are used to with the COD maps. I am just as quilty of complaining of the spawns and snipers at times but as long as we are playing the game in a mode it was not made for we are going to have to adapt our play and accept the issues that come with that style. In the past as the releases come out we have found maps to conform to the crouch style and it gets better. But until then we may just have to endure and outlast some of the more frustrating issues.

As for the walk with sites up, at this point I think that helps some with the open spaces. To some degree you can cover some of those open spaces a little quicker with sites up and negates some of that problem. I believe that was the reason for allowing it though I wasnt privy to that conversation. As for the runners, if it gets annoying take a break for a bit (I do or rather have to) and we have to keep up enforcing the rule and eventually we will get a core of players that will obey the rules and those that regularly ignore or misuse the rules will get caught and leave. It happens with every new game that comes out  be it BF or COD. I will not step off my crate. Yeah yeah I know this coming from me who hates those issues and has to take a break before I loose my cool but it is what it is and eventually it will get better. My patience has been tested more recently in real life so makes it more difficult to be patient in game but that  is what we will have to do til it gets a bit better.
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TipsterSun Dec 08, 2013 7:00 pm

It seems that our servers are all over the map on this issue. WaW you can walk sighted except on IMF days then you can't. In BOPS you can't walked sighted anytime. In BF4 you can walk sighted, It gets confusing at times even for BK members. Personally I don't like walking sighted, to me CROUCH is CROUCH period! I can't tell you the amount of times I almost issued a warning for running on BF4 when the player was walking sighted. Sometimes it looks like they are running because they move so fast with a pistol. If I think pistol walkers are running, I can understand why other players think they can run to. This is only my opinion.
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DamonSun Dec 08, 2013 9:44 pm

As a visitor, walking sighted was a welcome change to the server. When a player spawns at the outside of the map on Lancang Dam or Hainan Resort, he/she will be hard pressed to cross to the interior of the map, where the objectives are positioned. Rogue Transmission offers the same experience to a lesser degree. Walking sighted with a pistol grants a noticeable increase in speed, but sacrifices view and the immediate use of the primary weapon. Even with the allowed ADS walking, those maps are a Reconfest of epic proportions. It can be difficult to ascertain if the person who just side-stepped around a corner and killed you was sighted or not, but I think it's best to err on the side of caution. The sprinters are prevalent every night I play on server 1, and they're easily recognizable. So, I hope that walking sighted remains permitted, even if just on a continuing trial basis.

Also, I'm hoping there are useable maps from China Rising. I recall reading that some members were taking a look at the maps to determine if any of them could be implemented on server 1. My fingers are crossed for a new Close Quarters map pack soon.
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