Polite & Friendly's


Hate AGAIN to be that guy...

SheepdawgWed Dec 04, 2013 4:01 am

but seriously get your servers under control.  If people are problematic get them out.  So many runners on 1.  So many admin warnings.  So much unfairness, and nonsense.

I love the PnF community and what it stands for, but seriously, its time to get tough on these players/admins...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get this under control.  It really sucks to play here, by the rules, only to be bested or annoyed by someone breaking the rules.  I understand the hierarchy here, and understand the SoP and the rcon system, but even your auto admin shout says "Crouch only when moving".  THAT ISN'T THE RULE ON THESE SERVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!  At least change it to better represent the rules of the server, IE(ADS/crouch while moving) or something of the sort.  I feel like BK staff spends half(maybe a quarter) of its admin time explaining that this is a Crouch only(which is also false technically) server to new players.  I don't discourage new members and actually at one time that's what drew me in...but I can assure you, it wasn't the same *BK* I joined, that i see in BF4.  Just take some time to get everything under control is my opinion.  I am not trying to create waves, but come on, the few times I played on these servers, does not leave me with the feeling of I should return for a fun time(and the messed up part is I joined your CoD servers a year or 2 ago and felt that, so I did, and eventually joined).  Take the time to find your path and then enforce it...just sayin.

Please take this as a sort of discussion opener, and not some sort of nonsensical rage.  I really do have a soft spot for BK, but more importantly, the POLITE AND FRIENDLY community.  Live by the phrase, die by the phrase.  Semper Fi, goodnight, and good luck.  See you on the battlefield.

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SSMajorKoenigWed Dec 04, 2013 4:29 am

Its probably when no BK is in, we usually always have a spectator watching now
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AbramWed Dec 04, 2013 5:05 am

We have a protocol to follow - 2 warnings, then a kick. Names can be tough to catch on BF4, and just 'popping in' to spectate isn't as easy as with COD. We try our best, but having 2 people in a server with 30 other players, it's hard to catch everyone. Call out runners or rules breakers that you see - many members know our regular players and many can be trusted enough for their word to be good.

Just with any previous new game, and it takes time to get attract and retain guests that Do follow the rules. We went through the same thing with BF3, but after a while, the running was down to a trickle.

Dont; worry about being "that guy". someone has to, and this discussion is bouncing around amongst us, as well.
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DamonWed Dec 04, 2013 5:15 am

I have had my share of frustration on server 1, but it's usually due to multiple runners being unchecked when multiple BK members are ingame. I know that these members are players, like me, who want to enjoy the game. I know they die when giving warnings, and spend a large amount of time checking for the names of runners. With that said, I do the same thing as a visitor and type out warnings myself (ie: Name, please crouch or walk sighted when moving). To my knowledge, it is the discretion of a BK member to submit a warning if they have faith in a non-member who calls out runners. So, I do what I can to help and I've seen others do the same. I've also seen warnings go to the wrong players on occasion (even a permanent ban), though I believe that to be a small percentage of error. I have a lot of respect for what BK maintains in BF4 and other games. I am hoping there will be another "Close Quarters" map pack on the way, because it caters more to the style of gameplay seen on server 1.

Even if there are no BK members in the server, there are usually members on TeamSpeak. So, anyone can go into their Welcome channel and request assistance or a kick for a player that has had multiple warnings. I just suggest that anyone who goes into TeamSpeak conduct themselves in a calm and polite manner (ie: don't speak in an entitled, agitated manner), even though it may be hard to do so when frustrated by runners. The longer the server is up, the better the player base will become. This is the first time I've seen the "ADS / walk sighted" adaptation by BK in a Battlefield game, but I like it. I do agree that uniformity in scrolling messages and warnings is important. A new visitor may be told to crouch, then see someone walking sighted with a pistol, and be confused as to why that is acceptable.

At the end of the day, I think they are handling it well. I just want to see some game mode changes. Smile That's just my personal dislike of SDM talking, though.
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LukeWed Dec 04, 2013 2:09 pm

Sheepdawg you act like we don't want to keep our server under control. You should know us better than that being a ex BK member. We do our best but can only do what we see if there are 32 people in the server and only 5 BK there will be times that something slips though. Since the game came out server 1 BF4 has over a thousand kicks. That is more kicks than we have Bans in W@W after 5 years.

Battlefield players are not use to the idea like COD players. Give it some time and we will build a following like we did with BF3.

If you want to speed up the process jump and TS and help us or join again but post like this dose nothing to help.
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