Polite & Friendly's



beemainerMon Nov 25, 2013 9:44 pm

I recently found your guys server, I really enjoy it and I follow the rules to point. I recently got "banned" for accidently killing my own teammate as he walked into my shot as it was going towards the enemy. I don't know if it was "BK" member but that was my first ever TK on that server and I have never been warned about running. I hope this can be reversed as I really like playing on that server. Thanks
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DEADFISHMon Nov 25, 2013 11:20 pm

I have played with Beemainer seem like a OK fellow i have not had to warn him for anything. Was it a temp ban ??
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CakeTue Nov 26, 2013 12:20 am

beemainer - try to get back into BF4. Sometimes a kick shows up as a ban , but is really a :15 kick. Was the kick for , tk'ing or running ?
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