BF4 my thoughts
SilexxSun Nov 03, 2013 3:28 pm
There is certainly a difference in game play between the COD titles and BF. I find COD an easier game, perhaps I am so use to leaning, but there is something else - which I am not sure how to explain. COD just seems like an easier game to control and master, of course that could also be that I have player far many more hours on COD (WAW and BOPs) that BF has always been a bit of a learning curve for me.
What I really enjoy about BF is the environment, the number of players, the choice of weapons and loadouts, vehicles (sometimes), and bigger maps. Certainly sometimes I enjoy playing very small maps CQB, but having the option of huge maps creates a scale and impression of a more dynamic and real-world game play. BF4 gives options for both.
So what don't I like. Again, I just need to get into the rhythm of the BF4 engine, it will take time - but I know I can get into it. I guess the only thing that is bothersome and will be for ALL NEW players is that you start off with weak weapons and that means you constantly get drilled by other players. This is however only in the early stages, until you can earn loadouts to really compete. For now I remain in frustration mode, until I unlock those slugs (yeah - I have always been a shotgun player in the BF series).
I guess the only thing that has bothered me rampig up is those snipers - that hurt.
The best thing about BF, is BK. BK runs Hard Core (which is the only way to play IMHO), they turn off the kill-cam (we shouldn't know, if we didn't see, who shot us), all the silly huds and aids have been turned off. If I was ever to run a server (which I never would), I would certainly set it up as BK has done.
The 32 man map is good for CQB and the 64 man maps are great for the big games.
The only question, should it be run as a crouch server? I am not sure, the maps are big (even at 32 man) and you move so slow that BF4 may not be the best game for running 100% crouch. Perhaps sited walking should be permitted.
I am also a fan of MORE tickets - it always seems that when you just started getting your groove on the map is over.
All in all - if you liked Bad Company and/or BF3, this is certainly a must buy. If you like COD better, perhaps it is just that you are use to it, which can be frusterating switching over to a new engine. I do MISS lean, but the other great things make up for it. It will never be COD, but it also shouldn't be. And if you are reading this, well chances are you are a member of BK and that brings more great news. Luke runs great servers, the group keeps the rules tight, and they configure their servers is the best possible way, all of which makes the BF experinece all the more better.
I am game, now if i can only rank up on my shotty - which is a long hard climb, but worth it when I get there. Oh yeah, snipers - please don't keep shooting me, I am far out of range with my buckshot that you can ignore me, please.
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