Email from GMG for 20% off BF4
BlowfishTue Sep 24, 2013 5:21 pm
I just recieved an email from Green Man Gaming for 20% off of BF4. This will bring the price of BF4 to $47.99 and the Premium Service to $39.99. The email said that the offer will be good until the end of September.
If you have bought anything form GMG before, and you are interested in pre-ordering BF4, you may want to check your email.
I don't know if this is a unique offer targeted to each email recipient, or if it will be available to all. There was a discount code attached. I will research a little more. If it is not a unique, one-time-use code, I will post it up here later.
Edit: Not a unique code, so everyone is able to get in on this. Use Code TAREM-NBAR4-GDF84
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tetTue Sep 24, 2013 6:31 pm
These guys offer great deals and coupon codes every week. British company and some US banks have issues with their transactions for some reason. I generally stick with PayPal when buying games from them.
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