Polite & Friendly's


Geronimo Acheivement

DustyFri Aug 23, 2013 12:56 pm

I was upstairs programming an inwall keypad at a clients house in utah.
The railing on the balcony overlooking the family room is not well made. it is only waist height for me, a little bit less actually. I turned around from the keypad which is on the wall directly across from the balcony in the upstairs hall. when i turned, i kinda hopped to the side as i started walking. i lost my balance and stuck my hand out for the railing to steady myself. my hand glided right over the railing and I fell against it and flipped over. As i started falling, I saw i was going headfirst so in a last ditch attempt, i grabbed for the railing, just gripping its edge for a second with my fingertips. as i flipped back around, i let go so as not to keep spinning and go head down again. i fell 20 feet onto the hardwood floor of the living room. i landed on my feet, slightly harder on the right one. i felt no cracks, not immediate pain, but i broke both legs in two places. I have to have surgery tomorrow on my right leg, unconfirmed on my left.
Looks like I'll be a little more of y'all!
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manosFri Aug 23, 2013 1:13 pm

Oh that's sad,but you were lucky also.Be strong and i wish you a quick recovery sir.
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tetFri Aug 23, 2013 1:15 pm

Congrats on the achievement.  I fell off a house once.  No injuries though.  Think of it like this, it will be a good story to tell once you can walk again.  Not dying is always a win.
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AbramFri Aug 23, 2013 2:47 pm

Ouch. Safety first, Mister.

I've had a few long-ish falls, and I've been fortunate enough to come out unscathed. THough I'm sure a 20' drop to a hard floor would be something different.

Here's to a speedy and comfortable convalescence.
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BlowfishFri Aug 23, 2013 4:00 pm

That really sucks!!  Where are you at?

If you need something, let me know!
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