Got the OK...
TazmanFri Aug 16, 2013 3:13 am
To get a new monitor for my birthday.
Tell me what you think...most of the websites show this for $289...I can get it here for $239!!!
Potential New Monitor!!!
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AbramFri Aug 16, 2013 3:32 am
Nice. It's a PLS panel, a pseudo-IPS type. FAR better than the TN panels that most displays use. Very nice. _b
Though it's a bit of a shame that 16:10 displays are losing popularity. I always found them better for gaming. (plus they can do 16:9 with easy anyway)
...Oh right. Yes, get it.
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three6Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:25 pm
Ever try a 120hz monitor? i have one and cant see myself every getting a 60hz one again lol
here is the one i have, they are more expensive but i believe they are worth it and its 3d ready too.
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9NovemberFri Aug 16, 2013 5:08 pm
Tazman wrote:
To get a new monitor for my birthday.
Tell me what you think...most of the websites show this for $289...I can get it here for $239!!!
Potential New Monitor!!!
Thats the same screen I have. Works excelent. Colors are bright and crisp. Get it while the permission's know how fast that can change, hehe.
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Silent_WolfFri Aug 16, 2013 5:22 pm
Personally, in regards to computer displays, for the money, Samsung has the best displays you can get.
I have a 24" Samsung display rebranded by Dell and I love it.
Heads up, if you are using and AMD card and you wish to connect via HDMI, you will need adjust the scaling options in CCC to get a full screen.
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TazmanFri Aug 16, 2013 5:29 pm
Thanks everyone...I have Nvidia, so that shouldn't be a problem. I like Samsung as well, so I think I will be pulling the trigger at some point this weekend.
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9NovemberFri Aug 16, 2013 7:13 pm
You'll like that one. It has a ton of onboard settings to make it display just the way you like it.
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Firecrackr1Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:06 pm
Go for it Taz!
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JohnnySat Aug 17, 2013 7:30 pm
Taz get the asus 144mhz 24". It goes for 250 and its the best gaming monitor out right now. Ill will be on ts Sunday late and will talk to u.
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WindriderSat Aug 17, 2013 7:45 pm
Dude - when I went to my buddy's in Missouri, he had a 39" Vizio LED and I ended up buying one as well - I recommend at least a 32" minimum for good gaming - make sure it is 1080p and I would not worry about 120Hz refresh - most people cannot see the difference. I bought mine at Wal Mart refurbished for $265 - came with 1 year warranty - added 4 more for $36 - so about $301 for my unit and it is incredible. Here is a link to look - ultimately your decision, but I love this one.
Vizio E series 39"
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TazmanSat Aug 17, 2013 7:49 pm
I would love that Windy...but there is NO room for that on my computer desk. Plus...I think I would have to sit at the back of the room to be able to focus on that screen...WOW!!!
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AbramSun Aug 18, 2013 12:01 am
All the other displays folks have been mentioning are of the TN (Twisted Nematic) panel type. They have the poor color reproduction, bad viewing angles - which is even evident with straight-on viewing, especially on larger screens - but they are cheap to manufacture and are the most common because of this. That display is in the IPS (In-Plane Switching) family. Excellent, consistent color and brightness, great viewing angles (many of the big-screen LED televisions use IPS panels), but traditionally, the response has been a bit higher then TN, though it's improving, and this is the case with the only your mentioned in your first post, which has a nice response of 5ms gray-to-gray.
My gaming displays are one IPS in the centre and a higher-end TN on each side. I see the vast differences every day, and if I could afford it, I'd get another two IPS panels in a second. THey can be tough to find in a brick & mortar store, but if you get the chance to view them side-by side, you'll see what I'm talking about.
For some reason, the panel type is almost never mentioned in the specs... it's annoying.
Oh, one more thing to consider: the finish. If you have windows or many lights at your back, a glossy finish will not be the best for you, so look for a matte finish.
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TazmanSun Aug 18, 2013 2:11 am
Thanks are always great at supplying detail in your posted about technology...I love that!!!
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GUMPSun Aug 18, 2013 5:14 pm
Nice choice.. I'll stick with my 37"... Really good for a blind person.

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ARRGGHHHMon Aug 19, 2013 10:52 am
I'm with Abram
I really like Samsung product and for 239.00
no brainer
order it already LOL
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