Polite & Friendly's


Hey guys, popping in to say thanks

TankMommaSun May 03, 2009 5:50 pm

Just wanted to say thanks for the match last night.  We had a good time, despite getting tromped on.  lol

Now, if I could just interest my people in a rematch........maybe a run and gun on our bolt server.........Makin Night map........Well, a girl can dream can't she?

Seriously, it was an interesting game for us, since we don't have any experience with match play, but fun.  

(The last time we tried a match with others it left a bad taste in our mouths and we haven't done another till now.  And THAT was back in the BF2 days.)  Thank you for helping to make it a good time.

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titanSun May 03, 2009 6:09 pm

i wasnt in the match but clad you had fun tankmomma wish i was so i could kill ya =p
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NEMATODESun May 03, 2009 6:11 pm

Thanks TankMomma was fun. Tell your guys they did good. Gave me fits at times
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DWEISELSun May 03, 2009 8:09 pm

It was a great time and alot of fun.Honestly you guys pushed us more then we have been pushed.Anytime we can do this I would be up for it.Thank you
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WrcknCrwSun May 03, 2009 8:46 pm

It's fun to compete against your clan.  Always fun and good times.
Glad the experience was a positive one for you.
I look forward to mamy more games Mama.
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