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Upgrading my gaming rig, could use some suggestions...

BlowfishWed Aug 14, 2013 2:39 am

Ok, I currently have a AMD 965 black chip in the heart of the system.  No interested in changing that out at this time, but I am interested in bumping up the video performance etc.

I just ordered a 128gb SSD and will be installing it this weekend with a clean install of Win 7 64 bit.

I am in the market for a new video card and am leaning towards a Radeon, unless you guys can convince me otherwise.  My budget for the card is going to be in the $150 range.  I can spend a little more, if we find a good deal, but definitely must stay below $200.

So what is the card to get?  Let's hear some educated opinions.
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AbramWed Aug 14, 2013 4:09 am

Nvidia, AMD..... both are great. I've had many of both and all have served me well. The only significant difference is that Nvidia does 3D better, while AMD does multi-monitor better. Just get anything from the newer series, as they typically run cooler and use less power. that'd be the 6xx or 7xx series from Nvidia, 7xxx series from AMD.  The price/performance is neck-and-and between the two, so just look for sales on those newer series, within y our price range.

What do you have currently? Does your motherboard support dual GPUs?

A quick peek at newegg and i see Nvidia 660 or AMD 7860 at just under 200. I'd pick either, if the previous differences aren't a consideration for you. Just look for sales. I use shopbot.ca for quick price comparisons.. I know the US version was obliterated my Amazon a while back, but I'm sure there are other sites that'll let you do it.
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three6Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:28 pm

ya an amd 7870 is a good  price/performance combo.    around 200$ but a video card is worth spending a bit more on especially if your  gaming you will enjoy your games more.  I will be selling my 7970 when the 8000's come out for around 175ish
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BlowfishWed Aug 14, 2013 2:58 pm

Abram wrote:

What do you have currently? Does your motherboard support dual GPUs?

Right now, I'm running a 5550 with 1gb of RAM.  The Mobo is a Gigabyte with an 880G chip.  I only have 1 PCIe x16 slot.
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TazmanWed Aug 14, 2013 3:04 pm

Here is a Nvidia 650Ti Boost with 2GB of memory for $170...

Nvidia 650Ti

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AbramThu Aug 15, 2013 2:34 am

the move from a 650ti to a 660 is definitely worth another 20-30 bucks. But if you can find a 7870 for under 200, I'd definitely go with that. Yes, don't bother going under 2gb VRAM.

Gets me to wondering if you have a sufficient PSU. What model do you have? A decent-quality 550w will do. I think the minimum for those cards is 450w.
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BlowfishThu Aug 15, 2013 3:11 pm

Abram wrote:

Gets me to wondering if you have a sufficient PSU. What model do you have? A decent-quality 550w will do. I think the minimum for those cards is 450w.

The power supply is a Corsair, but I can't remember the wattage.  I did plan ahead when I built the system so that it would be more than enough for what I was then planning.  But that was a long time ago.  I'll check it out this weekend when I install the SSD.  

Thanks for the reminder Abram!
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BlowfishFri Aug 16, 2013 5:59 pm

Newegg has a MSI Radeon 7950 on sale right now.  $190 after rebate with 3 games.  Is it worth it?

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tetFri Aug 16, 2013 7:01 pm

MSI make fantastic cards. Those 7950's are voltage locked but that shouldn't matter much. I have an MSI 5830 that has been running at 100% load 24/7 for years and still works like a Champ.
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three6Sat Aug 17, 2013 2:16 am

thats a great deal for a 7950
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BlowfishTue Aug 20, 2013 10:11 pm

After Abram reminded me to check my PSU, I decided that the 500W one that I have in there is going to be inadequate.  So I just ordered a Seasonic 850W from the Egg.  I have a bunch of fans, 2 DVD burners, 2 HDD (soon to be 3), an SSD, and a few USB devices.  Hoping to get the vid card next paycheck.  There seems to be a few 7950's on sale at the moment.  Something new must be just about to hit the market.
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tetTue Aug 20, 2013 10:34 pm

Stick with MSI or Gigabyte. I have an HIS 7950 that I don't like much. Two of the Gigabytes on another box though that run nice and cool.
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AbramWed Aug 21, 2013 1:57 am

Great choice, Seasonic makes some nice PSUs. Plus 850w will by enough run run a second card, if the opportunity ever comes up.
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