How best to help with 2nd monitor
Firecrackr1Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:24 pm
I finally hooked up my very old 15inch monitor and learned how to use 2 monitors.
How can I help the clan with 2 monitors?
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Silent_WolfMon Aug 12, 2013 6:54 pm
I dont know if two display will so much help BK, but help you see more things.
I have three displays. I game on my center display, on my left I have Badkon and on my right I have TS.
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CakeMon Aug 12, 2013 8:31 pm
I've been using two monitors for about three years now. I run my game on #1 [a 24 in. Samsung digital] and both t/s and badkon on the 2nd. one [ a 19 in. acer RBG. I run in windows mode and have no trouble switching back and forth
between the two.
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Firecrackr1Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:22 pm
Thanks guys. I have the monitor on a shelf above my 23" monitor, I'm running Ts and badkon on it. I use windows IE for badkon, easier than opening new tab in Firefox.
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