Polite & Friendly's


Battlefield 4 – DICE details Levolution and Commander Mode

LukeSat Jun 29, 2013 10:03 pm

Levolution, which I have a very hard time typing – much like Revengence – means that level in the game will evolve over time on a multiplayer map. One example of this is the skyscraper in the Siege of Shanghai map, can be demolished by placing C4 on its four players. This will collapse the building, and will change the location of the flag in Conquest mode and kick dust into the surrounding area – making it hard to see. Bollards can also be raised to block roads and impede vehicles.

Commander Mode is playeable on a tablet or mobile device, and give the user a “birds eye view,” so as to support the troops on the ground and call in air strikes.

Read more here: http://www.vg247.com/2013/06/28/battlefield-4-dice-details-levolution-and-commander-mode/
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