Polite & Friendly's


So what do you think?

DELETEDMon May 27, 2013 2:40 pm

I ordered a new video card and 16 GB of Ram for my computer. While there they asked if I'd rather have another one built at a similar level to mine but 3 years newer. The difference would be about $1,900. I currently run an i7 920@2.67 with 6GB of Ram along with a good ASUS mother board, Raptor hard drive and a 750 watt power supply. I guess I don't really need it but, it sure seems tempting.

I can add this to my current rig.

2 - 8 GB 1333MHz DDR3 Non-ECC CL9 DIMM Kingston

Asus Nvidia GF GTX 660 TI 3 GB GDDR5 PCI-E - Dual DVI | HDMI | DP - Video Card

OR upgrade to this.

1 - Intel Core i7-3770 3.4GHz Quad Core LGA1155 8MB Cache 1333MHz

2 - 8GB (2x4GB) 1333MHz DDR3 Non-ECC CL9 DIMM Kingston

1 - 500 GB WD 7200 RPM 64 MB Cache Hard Drive - SATA 3 - Black Edition

1 - 300 GB Intel 320 Series 2.5" Solid State Drive w/ Bracket - SATA II - OEM

1 - Asus Nvidia GF GTX 660 TI 3 GB GDDR5 PCI-E - Dual DVI | HDMI | DP - Video Card

1 - LG 24x DVDRW-DL Internal Writer - Black - SATA

1 - 3.5" Internal Card Reader w/ Front USB - Black

1 - Intel 775|1156| 1155 |1366 & AMD 754|939|AM2|AM2+|AM3 HS & Fan - Thermaltake Frio

1 - Asus SABERTOOTH Z77 1155 4D.DDR3 V/L/S ATX

1 - MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit OEM w/ SP1

1 - Antec Nine Hundred Two V3 Ultimate Gaming Case - No PSU

1 - 850 Watts TPG850M Modular PSU - Thermaltake
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mr-tMon May 27, 2013 5:49 pm

i wouldn't bother save the money for the next upgrade
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GUMPMon May 27, 2013 6:24 pm

If it don't work Reggie...just box it up and send it to me. Razz
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DELETEDMon May 27, 2013 10:25 pm

GUMP wrote:

If it don't work Reggie...just box it up and send it to me. Razz

Laughing  Okay Gump!!
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GroundTrooperMon May 27, 2013 10:30 pm

Sure is a lot of cash $$$$. Build your own or just add  ram and new video card if that gets you want you want.
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DELETEDMon May 27, 2013 10:38 pm

I guess if I was having a problem playing or a problem crashing, I'd have more motivation to get the new one. I have no problems playing anything so waiting may be good advice. I also wouldn't have a good use for the old one so it would be a waste. At least my brother will use my current video card.
I'll stop by and talked to them again but unless they can give me a real great reason, I think I'll sit on this rig for a while.
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DELETEDMon May 27, 2013 10:42 pm

GroundTrooper wrote:

Sure is a lot of cash $$$$. Build your own or just add  ram and new video card if that gets you want you want.

That list is a custom  gaming build for me. If they build it they also guarantee it as well, which I like. I've build many things but computers aren't one of them.  Laughing
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JohnnyTue May 28, 2013 2:57 am

That I7 920 you can push to almost 4.0 on air and it also is a quad core. Just go faster ram like 1600 tri channel ddr3 and a 7950 ati black xfx and your set Wink
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AbramTue May 28, 2013 3:29 am

+1 for faster RAM, 1600hz at the least.

I ran 16gb for about a week and the only time i went over 7.3gb was while running Black Ops, BF3, and re-encoding a 50gb blu-ray. I went back to 8gb and I've still yet to max it out. 16gb certainly wouldn't hurt, but since the RAm prices ahve shot back up recently, you may as well wait for the next price lull. RAM prices rise and fall greatly all the time.
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TipsterTue May 28, 2013 3:49 pm

I have almost the same rig as you (the with the new card & ram) The only difference is my motherboard is A Asus Extreme II. It is awesome. I will only look at a new computer when I can't upgrade it anymore. Save your money.
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DELETEDTue May 28, 2013 8:23 pm

Think just an upgraded card and some ram is all I'll do at this point. I already ordered the card but I'll see what I can do as far as going with the card suggested by Johnny.
Thanks for the input guys.
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three6Wed May 29, 2013 12:05 am

SSD HD!!!!    best bang for buck upgrade to speed up your system and u can always use it in ur new one.  also the vid card will help with gaming.  Dont bother with new cpu/mobo/ram new gen stuff is on the way and your stuff will handle anything now with no problems
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DELETEDWed May 29, 2013 2:59 pm

Found the specs on my mother board and HD. Not sure it makes a difference in the advice though.

Asus P6T WS Mother Board

Western Dig. 300GB 10,000RPM VelociRaptor
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