Polite & Friendly's


bk vs vpg changes

ted100Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:01 am

I am sure this would be more refined and agreed apon thank you
10 vs 10, minumum of 8 per side
Saturday, May 11th
Time of match is ???

Match will be played on our unranked server. Using STANDARD settings on speed, health regeneration and max health. (HARDCORE=30% Health)

Friendly Fire - On
Kill-cam - Off
Aimed fire or hip firing allowed
All weapon types and load outs are allowed with the following exceptions:

NO kill streaks no cars/helos/B52's etc. NO UAV, SR71
The following weapons/perk restrictions will stand for the match:
No second chance
No spawn camping
No explosive weapons (RPG, Crossbow,Clays, etc# semtex nades no china lake
tomhawk allowed

Demo client must be functioning before the match start

Go on fast re-start once everyone is in game, and both teams have agreed ready they are ready.

Substitutions are allowed between games but not during active round

Scrim liaisons to act as spokesman

Played on the BK Boot Camp server #20 man server,hardcore settings#

Sportsmanship is at the forefront of our scrims. Win or Lose we will extend our gratitude.
crouch only run to nearest cover when under derict cover


TDM-Hardcore 10,000pts

We will play all 4 maps 1 sided

1st map-Havana(TDM) 10,000pts BK OPS
2nd nuketown VPG spetsanz
3rd map-Radiation(TDM) BK OPS
4th map-fireingrange VPG spetsanz
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JohnnyMon Apr 29, 2013 12:46 am

Looks good Ted, I will put you down for May 11th @ 2:00pm est. Oh and by the way I like your sig Very Happy
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MouseMon Apr 29, 2013 1:41 am

Can't wait.
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TwoFourMon Apr 29, 2013 11:35 am

Knife to see ya!!!   Hey Ted, I hope I can make it!!
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TipsterMon Apr 29, 2013 5:10 pm

Put me down, I'll try to make it. Depends on time, I live on the west coast.
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bigconnMon Apr 29, 2013 11:42 pm

sound like fun - I'll do what I can to be ready !
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ARRGGHHHTue Apr 30, 2013 1:41 am


What up?!
Time to Bring the PAIN TRAIN! OH YEAH!

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AbramTue Apr 30, 2013 2:49 am

Choo. Choo.

I'll most likely be sleeping, but if i somehow happen to be up I'll most certainly come play.
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TwoFourTue Apr 30, 2013 2:51 am

Abram, set the alarm clock....let's do it
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HappyTue Apr 30, 2013 1:20 pm

As usual I will be working, but would have been nice to kill ya Ted...Sir
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VPG-BullTue May 07, 2013 3:13 am

Good luck to all! Wish I could attend but work beckons as always!
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BlueTravelerTue May 07, 2013 10:20 pm

Goodluck BK, wish I could join in, but the schedule just won't allow.  It's great to see this match scheduled and I hope to participate in one in the future with VPG.
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