Polite & Friendly's



TincupgamerMon Apr 22, 2013 2:47 am

I come here to ask that someone in the heirarchy lift my ban please.  My clan has been playing in your server for sometime, and I only play a few times a month these days.  I was banned for typing "fu", I was not warned, nothing was ever said to me. I was just banned.  People in the server were cussing left and right, and I was banned.  

Truth be known I never cussed, but if you see fit that I should stay banned then so be it.  I just wanted to state my case.

Thank you,
Mike Jenkins
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WindriderMon Apr 22, 2013 4:24 am

Hello Tincupgamer

My main suggestion would be for you to go into the contact us tab and log a ticket with the information.  Please be advised that swearing is one of the things we do not tolerate at all on our servers.

In the case of dropping a swear word, yes, you would get warnings before a kick, but if an admin warned for language and you typed "FU" in response, that would be taken as a direct response to said warning and is considered a bannable offense for disrespect.

We do not tolerate the language either in full word, misspelled on purpose, or short form.  Since we are all adults, we know what short forms are and take them to be as offensive as the full word.

However, having said that, and not being privy to when you were banned, by whom, and under what circumstances, logging a ticket will allow our senior admin to go back to find when you were banned and check the logs.  If, indeed, you should have simply received a warning, then the ban will more than likely be lifted - I cannot say one way or the other, being that I am not a senior admin with ability to check, but we are indeed most fair.

Please be advised that your ticket will receive all due attention and fairness in response - it may take a little time, because we have popular servers and, yer, we understand people make mistakes.  We will endeavor to look into this with all haste and fairness.

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bigconnMon Apr 22, 2013 10:28 am

Tincupgamer -
One other thing, when filling out the ticket information please include your Game Name, which Server you were playing on and the rough time / date this occurred.
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