Red Not Blue
FranklinSun Mar 17, 2013 6:21 pm
OK I have three hard drives. Two of them I have running in a RAID0 configuration. The other drive is for "Data" only, or to back up files, and the size is 1T. On my two RAID I have 279gigs, and right now it has 25.6 gigs left. This is the first time I have seen this. When Click my computer my first drive (RAID) is Red, while my other "Data" drive is still Blue. Is the color "Red" warning me that I'm about to run out of room??
Thank You.
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AbramSun Mar 17, 2013 9:24 pm
Ya it's a "low free space" warning. 10 or 15% believe. Whatever the percentage that is recommended for defragging. Though, you still WILL be able to defrag.
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FranklinMon Mar 18, 2013 2:20 am
I had no idea that you can run defraging proses in the "New Drives". Although I also heard that if you have a SSD to NEVER defrag. OK so before I hit the rack to night, I'll run the defragger on my "C" drive......Thanks for the info......Heck might as well do the other as well........

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AbramMon Mar 18, 2013 4:50 am
Oh SSD. no do NOT defrag those. It's never needed, and introduces useless wear 'n tear. It'd be ncei if Windows updates would keep up - recognising SSDs and disable the useless features automatically.
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FranklinMon Mar 18, 2013 5:47 pm
Yep, I found out that my computer defrags once a week automatically so I have no need to do it manually.......But thank you for your insight and help...
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AbramMon Mar 18, 2013 11:07 pm
Well be sure to turn that auto defrag OFF.
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FranklinTue Mar 19, 2013 12:52 am
Why would I want to do that???
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AbramTue Mar 19, 2013 1:16 am
Defragging has no benefit for SSDs. I has to do with the way information is moved and stored on SSDs versus what defrag does, as it assumes all hard drives are of the platter variety. The only thing thing defragging does for (well, to) SSDs is cause needless wear, shortening their lifetime in the long run. There are also some Windows Services you'll want to disable, like Pre- and Super-Fetch - both are services that give you no net gain whatsoever, and also cause needless wear on your SSD drives.
There are lots of guides on settings up SSDs for Windows floating around. Maybe someone else can chime in on this, as I have no interest in SSD I've just read a lot about them. Unless someone wants to give one away.

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FranklinTue Mar 19, 2013 1:44 am
Oh I understand now. You think that I have SSD drives. I don't have those drives yet, waiting to upgrade my computer in Four months. I have the regular "High Speed" drives from Western Digital........Sory for the miss communication......
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AbramTue Mar 19, 2013 3:24 am
oh hahah yes. Oh that was silly. Te assumption of SSDs grew when i paid attention to the sizes you mentioned, since it's a popular setup for RAID0..
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