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Headphones (REVIEWS)

GroundTrooperTue Mar 05, 2013 1:05 pm

I just upgraded from a 2 or 3 year old set of  Sound Blaster Arena Surround Headphones. They still work nice and are very comfortable. The set I just got is Logitech G35. The sound is more quieter or more refined if you want to put it that way. Have a little problem of getting teamspeak adjusted where it's not to loud or too quiet when playing games. It is not as comfortable on my head as other set, but maybe they aren't broke in yet. Bass isn't as loud of hit either, but you can tell somewhat where your enemy is at. I guess if I wanted true surround sound I would have to have a noise proof room with speakers everywhere. So my wife wouldn't freak out on me. The logitechs actually fit over my ears whereas ths SB's  tuoch my ears but are softer and more snug feeling. I prefer the SB.
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WolfFangTue Mar 05, 2013 8:59 pm

The logitechs take a little getting used to. I had the same thing before and similar issues to what you have mentioned. But after learning to tweak here and there to get what I wanted, I love them. In fact when the power plug broke and I had to do without them while they were getting replaced, which logitech did for free, I hated going back to my old ones. I use it both for TS and gameplay and have little issue hearing gameplay or people in TS now. If you want some help tweaking your bass etc, catch me on TS and I'll see if I can help you get it were you like it. But its a different animal so to speak from the other headsets so some may not like them. Oh will say I can hear outside noises too so that is also something I like about them. Of course that depends on how high you have the headset itself turned up to; but once set correctly you dont have to turn the volume up that loud to hear everything clearly. Couple that with the fact they are wirless and  I will say this was the headset I have been looking for a few years now. Unless something really good comes out that tops these, this the pair I will stick with. They do cost a lot compared to most headsets but I think they're worth it.
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FranklinSat Mar 16, 2013 2:13 pm

I'll place a little plug in here with the Headsets That I'm currently using......I have the Roccat Kave 5.1......True 5.1, not simulated. The sound is Much better that I thought it would be since it has the 5.1. The only con that I have, is that there "Over The Ear" cups headset. I have always went with "Sennhisser" which rested on my ears that made it Very Comfortable. Meaning that I'm not used to over the ear Headsets. Right off the bat, it starts to hurt and then I place the "Padding" of the cups on my ears which feels MUCH better. To be honest, I would LOVE to have a headset that sounds as good as the Roccat Kave that sits on your ears. But I'm yet to find them....
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