Hiya Kids! How's life? Good? Excellent!
Seeing as I can't really play games where I'm at and I was extremely bored on this cloudy saturday, I figured I'd make myself a sig.
I can't remember what my current sig looks like. Maybe it's still better than this new one. Who knows?
Dropping by to say, "Hi!" and to inform you that I'll probably be able to join you guys in game in the fall. (Maybe) Depends on class schedule and work. I'm hoping to be able to play in the evenings on the weekend though. Also, do you know if VHB still plays BHD on Sunday nights? I haven't played with them since before Christmas. Was just wondering if I'd be able to hook up with them tomorrow night.
Hey Swift!! Great to see you around I know we all look forward to your return. I think VHB still plays BHD on Sundays though I'm not sure. Visit their site at
www.vhbusa.com to find out for sure.
I look forward to playing with you again soon.
We run 3 public servers that are all full most evenings and a boot camp server. Its a very busy active time for *BK*.