Polite & Friendly's


Complaint ... Re: [QLS]Desertraticu

CertifiedAngusThu Nov 15, 2012 6:51 am

Good evening Gents,

Just a quick note here. I was brought into your server this evening by my long time friend [QLS]Desertraticus. For the record Desertracitus is a Senior Admin on our server,  he is a kind voice and  level head. He follows the rules and plays straight as I do. Your ideal of Polite & Friendly .. no swearing etc. very much mirrors our own principals.

/ Begin Rant /
One of your Admins kicked/banned him this evening for not crouching. No warnings ... no nothing.
Really?? It's a bit of stretch guys. If you knew him .. you'd know what I mean. Actually, it's allot of a stretch.
In fact he was standing in a corner (not even shooting) while he rested his pinky finger (because of all the crouching) when you kicked him.
"He was observed running" .... ummmm no. Not likely .... don't know who is in your TS telling the admins that .... probably the guy that Desert was Owning.

While I was trying to discuss the matter in-game with an admin (Bullet) I started to get warnings for not crouching. I was standing .... and typing .... to an admin!!!
I get that it's annoying to be messaged while your playing ... (been there) ... but when I asked for the website, I was told by the admin ... "I don't have it written down".
Really ??? It was actually pretty easy to find Bullet .. Write this down www.politeandfriendly.com

Guys, I'm not here to change your rules ... I like them. You have a good server. But this evening you were neither polite nor friendly.
At best your guys were over zealous .... at worst .... well ... you figure it out.
I'll be back in your server ..... Desert will be back in your server. Look for the [QLS] tag but cut us some slack. We're not kids ... we do this to blow off steam after a hard days work. I'm sure like many of you.
We follow the rules ... but we haven't developed the calluses on our Crouch fingers yet. If you see Desert standing up or walking momentarily ... ask him if his crouch finger is getting sore. He'll find that funny.

/ End Rant / ..... You guys have a good evening. See you in game. Looking forward to getting to know some of you.
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WatjalukinatThu Nov 15, 2012 1:28 pm

Well, it wasn't likely a ban, but a 15 min kick.
Our admins give three warnings (in chat window) for running/language/team killing.
I don't know exactly what happened, but it could have just been a case of mistaken identity. Like I said I wasn't there I have no idea. Needless to say there are usually a lot of running warnings flying because people quick join and don't know it's a crouch server. He may have had 2 warnings from first joining and the last was a mistake, again I don't know.
If it is a full on ban, tell him to submit a ticket under "Contact Us"

Oh, and side note, you don't have to hold CTRL, just hit X (default) it is the toggle for crouch. Save your Pinkies!!!
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FlannoThu Nov 15, 2012 10:49 pm

Hi CertifiedAngus
I can only support the comments of my friend Watjalukinat above.  It was more than likely just a 15 minute kick, but may have been applied in error. I that's the case, I know that we would all express our apology to you and Desertraticus for it.
Our admins (I'm one of them) try to be as balanced as possible when administering in game.
You and your friend are exactly the sort of players that we want to encourage to visit our servers and enjoy play under our set of rules.
One of the problems that we face is that many of the names used by players in game are very long and \ or complicated.  This makes it difficult to accurately apply warnings in some cases.  Having said that, we have a '3 strikes your out' approach to kicking, which goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of incorrect kicks.
I would urge you both to come back in as often as you like.  The commentary in your message suggests that your attitude and approach will always be very welcome!
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CertifiedAngusFri Nov 16, 2012 12:30 pm

Thanks for letting me bend your ears ... I'll see you in game at some point.
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WolfFangSat Nov 17, 2012 11:15 pm

You can also change crouch to toggle no press to crouch in the settings. At least I am pretty sure you can cause I hate to have to push to crouch. But you may experience problems of standing up when you walk over debris in game. Unfortunately BF3 is bad about that. I am trying to remember were that setting is but at the moment cant. I think it is in game settings. Hope that helps you.
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XBonesSun Nov 18, 2012 4:05 pm

Yeah I would set the crouch to toggle instead of hold like WolfFang says.
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WatjalukinatSun Nov 18, 2012 4:14 pm

yeah that's what I said, by default the key is X
toggles crouch
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