Polite & Friendly's


Well no more MOHW for me...

photekFri Nov 02, 2012 10:21 pm

Today I got home and logged in to no profile, and unable to access multiplayer. After some troubling attempts at troubleshooting the issue, i found a thread on the forums with everyones issues. Seems as though a large portion of credit card purchases didnt go through, and now EA/Dice/Origin want you to buy the game again if you have this issue. I paid using a business CC with over 40k limit, I have statements showing where they took my money for preorder, and then returned it some odd days later. So essentially, I got to play MOHW for free.
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Edgeman43Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:47 pm

I decided to buy it after I had heard about 50% discount for bf3 premium members. Than I realized the offer hadn't been availabe in Poland so i changed my mind. I think this is the end of reliance on EA for me.
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XBonesSun Nov 25, 2012 3:51 pm

Well it showed up on my last credit card bill, which I used Paypal to pay for the game, and I paid my bill already.
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LukeSun Nov 25, 2012 4:16 pm

Your the second BK member to tell me that happened to them. I know lots of people buy things on credit cards than cancel it so I understand why they do it but this is very weird that so many good customers got hit by this.
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X-TaticMon Nov 26, 2012 1:21 am

This is exactly what happened to me, way back for BF3. I ended up buying it elsewhere (not Origin store).
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photekMon Nov 26, 2012 11:59 pm

I actually ended up on the phone with a manager from their call center. My purchase was refunded due to teh security settings on my credit card. Because I use it for travel I had let them know I was going to be in NY that week but didnt end up going, so they refused the charge. They ended up giving me a code to get it at the half off price again so all is good.
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