Polite & Friendly's


unban lpz

[AR]CaptAmazingWed Sep 26, 2012 1:40 am

I got banned for apparently disrespecting a bk player. i dont remember doing this but i was banned i think a week ago. i would like to be unbaned because ei like the server and players very much. if i was being rude i am sorry and it was proly only because someone did or said something to set me off.

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KarowWed Sep 26, 2012 11:55 am

check and make sure it was a ban and not just a temp kick. If it was a ban submit a a ticket through the contact us link at the top of our home page.
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bigconnWed Sep 26, 2012 4:54 pm

Also when submitting the ticket please include date / time / game(W@W, Black Ops, BF3) being played and which server you were playing on - it will help us in researching the issue.
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