Polite & Friendly's


Needless talk on TS

ReconThu Apr 16, 2009 1:17 am

Lately I have had a hard time paying attention to TS cause of useless chat. Please TS is not the place to talk about your family,work,or other real life things. We us TS to play the game and it becomes hard to do that while ppl keep chatting away about thier lives.
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StrandThu Apr 16, 2009 1:20 am

Depends on what channel your in, if its the default "welcome" channel, its perfectly acceptable, that is what it is there for to meet the pubs that come in and get to know each other.
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BraxisThu Apr 16, 2009 5:22 am

Ya I have to agree with Strand on this one, the welcome channel is for general chatter in my book.  There are times where I will jump up a channel if I don't want the chatter, thats what the other channels are for.  We seem to be using the welcome channel for server 1 these days, and that is fine, we need people to welcome new people to TS, but there is no reason why some people cant go to another channel.  

If you want to get moved, ask!  Odds are an admin is around somewhere, and we are there to help... Or if you run your game in windowed mode, you can change channels yourself.
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LADYHAWKThu Apr 16, 2009 9:58 am

wow....i didnt realise some people on here felt so strongly about 'just playing the  game' and nothing else....
i notice people move channels if they dont want to hear us all talking about how our days have been or what we have been up to and i thought it was just being sociable to ask how people are or what they have been up to???
im defo with strand all the way on this one!!!
(and not just cos i like to know what people have been up to but cos im a sociable kind of person)
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DiggerBazThu Apr 16, 2009 10:40 am

G'day Recon  I appreciate your sentiments and yes at times the banter can get distracting and can frustrate. However I concur with Strand, Brax and LadyHawke09 that if it's in the Welcome channel NP. But even so in the other channels a bit of social banter is still fine. If on the other hand you are in a Scrim , Squad match etc. then most certainly the comms should only be used for gamespeak.
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DrewPThu Apr 16, 2009 3:16 pm

Yes that is what the other channels are for.  The welcome channel is just that, a welcome channel to welcome all and to get to know each other better and talk about the things in life.  I would be more than happy to move people around if need be and yes if a conversation gets a little too personal then that conversation needs to go to another channel as well.  Being polite and friendly can be a tough call sometimes but that is what BK stands for!  Live it, Love it, and learn from it!
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wesleyThu Apr 16, 2009 4:28 pm

It would be nice if there were 4 channels, however that's not going to happen. I agree with all of those who have posted to this. I think we are all human and not robots. I see what Recon has said and agree with him to a point. This is a game and it is a way to communicate with others. This is not the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard or any of the global military organizations, so please lighten up just a bit. If anyone disagrees with me then that is good because that means you ARE human.
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BraxisThu Apr 16, 2009 5:35 pm

wesley, there are 10+ channels!  servers 2 and 3 have there own channel plus the welcome channel, there are 3 co-op channels, the chat channel, an allies channel, an axis channel, and a COD5 channel... not to mention the fireteam channels, the match channel,a nd the bootcamp channel.

long story short, there are plenty of channels to hide in. Very Happy
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NEMATODEFri Apr 17, 2009 1:11 pm

I know I should avoid this topic as I felt some animosity when I suggested a similar problem.

As most users sit in the welcome channel because that's where most players are, going into the respective individual server rooms can cut you off from the majority of posters on the server you are playing on. I would suggest the real problem is a few players that can at times monopolize the conversation and seem to use the channel as a free telephone call to their buddies. At these times all you can do is butt in and try to talk over them. Which dilutes your warning to the point of nonsensical.

I know Luke makes an effort to break people up into the respective channels when there is some volume on the servers and TS. I think this problem would lessen considerably if people simply showed some restraint and consideration for the other players. Getting to know the other players is fine and but it is possible to also use the TS for gaming purposes at the same time. Maybe I'm just a dreamer. In a perfect world. In a perfect world.

Ladyhawk is a perfect example of someone you hear from frequently but keeps it short when not gameplay related and adds to the game plus her one year old sitting on her lap gets more kills then her.  Cool
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StrandFri Apr 17, 2009 1:27 pm

I know I go where the largest group of conversing people are, even if I dont have anything do say there is alot of wise men/women who frequent the ts and I enjoy hearing what they have to say.
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LADYHAWKFri Apr 17, 2009 2:47 pm

thanks nematode! lol
look, im sorry if people dont want to hear how my day hes been or tell me about their day, i think they are welcome to go use another channel for game only chat and we are all happy where we are!
'welcome' channel is for socialising
'other' channels are good for gameplay talk
when having a match i know the same as everyone else, keep it match related.....'simples'
im not up for stepping on anyones toes here, i love all of you guys!!!!!!
just let me plant my garden....betty fields forever!!!
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StrandFri Apr 17, 2009 2:52 pm

curse them betty fields...your fields have gotten so big I cant sleep at night due to the luminescent bulbs (fuses) on them, and I live across the Atlantic.
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ReconSat Apr 18, 2009 1:02 am

I think ppl have misunderstood me or think I am to hard core. I enjoy talking to ppl and playing. But when I log into TS room 2 or 3 to play and have to hear a few ppl talk for 30 min about their lives it tends to distract my attention. I am all for getting to know ppl and letting ppl get to know me. But it kills me when I am force to hear the same ppl talk about day to day things in their lives and taking up a major part of TS. Sorry that's my two cents and I will just let it die now. Didn't think I would get this many replies to a thread.
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StrandSat Apr 18, 2009 1:18 am

my bad, i think i started this banter about the welcome channle, I wasnt saying you were in the welcome channle I was talking about in general, but yes i have to agree that if you are in server 2 or server 3 channle it should be server related.
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