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Crysis..COD4 ...MOH Airborne first impressions

MujaSun Nov 18, 2007 3:29 am

The current hot games being pushed are Crysis, Call of Duty 4 and Medal of Honor Airborne .  I do not have that great of a system but I was able to play each game. I have a AMD  x2 3800 , with 2GB of ram and a abit kn8sli MB with a MSI 7600 GT graphics board . Ancient now, but ok. The MOH Airborne game was glithchy on my system but the other 2 ran fine. I assume Crysis plays better on the high end systems currently out. But, if you have played FarCry you will recognize this design when you play Crysis.  Crysis is overhyped on the graphics side because what you get is the same gameplay as FarCry which was new, different and fun but didn't attract the gamers that it needed. The group that made FarCry was Crytek which created Crysis. The maps are bigger than MOH or CD4 which is a plus but the gameplay is not anything that grabs you.

MOH Airborne is a recreation of the former maps but with higher graphics quality, the maps are the same size which means small as usual. They do have a map editor that Grim liked so maybe that aspect can be tweeked for better games. My system had trouble running it and seemed glitchy, Grim said it ran fine for him. I admit that i quickly lost interest with this one due to old maps disguised as new, and same ol' same type play.

Cod4 is in my opinion the better game of these three. The maps are small as before but the firepower of the weapons is revved up with clear crisp graphics , awesome destruction through thick walls and no place to hide sometimes. The aerial support is lame and should be removed for team play. This is a very fast paced , shooter. HOWEVER.... upgrade ASAP since you can lose your rank(lots of hard work) weapons etc due to a problem when switching between ranked and unranked servers. I lost all my rank. LOL.  

Again this is based on my current system and experience and I hope you guys post your thoughts as well .  Crysis has potential with the bigger maps but the hype is overblown . MOH Airborne and COD4 both remain the same on map size but are totally different on the weapons aspect. MOH is WW2 and COD4 is now with fast shoot em ups that may get old after awhile , Crysis may offer more strategy but more playtime is required to determine that.

Well , I'm off to do more research, err I'm golfing yes, that's what I'm doing. LOL.                 See ya *BK* 's

Muja` de' *BK*
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GrimSun Nov 18, 2007 1:38 pm

nice review muja it good to see you looking out at these games i have also suggested americas army to the team wich a fair few have installed and are enjoying i suggest you do so also ,

its a free game with a map editor with a huge following last time i looked over 1713 servers
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MujaMon Nov 19, 2007 1:37 am

Thanks Grim, I've played AA before awhile back , so I'll download the latest version. The games I mentioned earlier were what is what some people might spend their hard earned money on and later wished they hadn't. I also didn't go into details such as weapons loadouts or other detail. I wanted to get at least some info out on those particular three. I will report back on AA soon.
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