Polite & Friendly's


Minor PC Patch Released Today

CapZacTue Feb 14, 2012 2:32 pm

Here's the content I found, not sure if it's all inclusive or not:

DICE is going to release a minor PC patch for BF3 on Feb 14th that will address some of the crashes that frequently occur when playing BF3. As quoted from battelog:
The update also includes support for the upcoming Intel “Ivy Bridge” product line and performance improvements on AMD Radeon 7xxx series graphics cards.
Here is the list of issues fixed in this update
Support for Intel’s new Ivy Bridge product line (as yet unreleased)
Fixes for two reproducible client crashes:
Operation Firestorm- Conquest Large – Fixed a client crash when users spawn in certain vehicles.
Canals – Rush – Fixed a client crash at the 2nd set of mcoms if the player drives a vehicle into the vicinity of the exploding rocket battery.
AMD Radeon 7xxx series performance improvements
Hopefully, this patch will address some of the complaints by gamers regarding frequent PC crashes.
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XBonesTue Feb 14, 2012 3:28 pm

Good Info, will check it out.
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AbramTue Feb 14, 2012 3:54 pm

Geez, I hope there's another coming out this month. I read talk of better fixes coming out, like disabling MAV riding and 'addressing" those seemingly random Bad Luck deaths, along with some weapon tweaks.

Thanks fro the info, nonetheless.
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Hptm-HeidenTue Feb 14, 2012 7:51 pm

I'd like them to change the sound of the AN-94.  Actually overall just make the AN-94 right.  I miss that gun.
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