Polite & Friendly's


Holidays are here

vonpyroThu Dec 22, 2011 9:32 am

Holidays are here everyone, and with that in mind I want everyone to look out for one another. I am one of the new guys within the BK Family and its good to be part of a great community. I want to give thanks to those who serve in any military force across this world, and any first responders who like myself will be working this holiday to keep one another safe. Pick up those individuals who are young and this may be their first time away from family. But most of all take care of your families and enjoy this holiday with lots of cheers and good times. And no matter what holiday you celebrate, make it a good one.

Very Respectfully,

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BigHossThu Dec 22, 2011 12:34 pm


Thank you sir and very well said. I have spent many holiday's in a Fire House or the Rescue Barn.. Good times. I have since stopped doing Fire Fighting and Rescue work as having a Family in 2010 I wanted to spend some time raising my Daughter. I have an Uncle that is the Asst. Chief of So. Burlington Fire and Rescue and I saw what being away from the family for all those years.. I gave it a great run from 1995 to 2010. I miss it a lot but I also have not missed anything in my Daughters life, so it balances out.

Thank you to all the folks that have or are serving our Great Country and my God Bless you and all my BK Family this Wonderful Season!

aka Rick Jr
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