Polite & Friendly's


My treatment while on a server

TwofeathersFri Dec 16, 2011 3:05 am

I am deeply offended and saddened by the treatment I received by a BK member this evening while using second chance.  I have only recently been using second chance because....why not.  I was spoken down to as a sissy, or of that type.  I am pretty upset and this is probably not how to handle this, but I am still a little hot.  Let me tell you I am not a sissy or coward, I am a "real" combat veteran, earned 3 purple hearts and 5 medals while serving this country (the usa), and take exception to the trash talk I received by a BK member, no less!  I was thinking of joining BK because you are a great group of folks, and some of you use second chance as well.  BK servers were the only one's I would join because of the consideration given everyone.....even the runners and bad talkers get 3 chances.  I will most likely contribute to BK because I have used the servers for some time now, but not any more.  For those of you who remain polite and friendly, continue to have fun.  ~S~  Twofeathers
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BigHossFri Dec 16, 2011 3:15 am

Wooh Twofeathers Brother. I am sorry you had an issue tonight. I have had the chance to play with ya on the battlefield and I enjoy it very much, and I have even had a chance to hang with you on Vent. Please send GOA Luke a PM with the members name. I would hate to see you go, I enjoy getting killed by you and working with you when we are on the same team.. Please do not let one members comments get to you, we are not all like that and unfortunately with a group as big as BK you will have issues with someone at some point. Maybe the member was having a bad day, maybe it was meant as a Joke, I was not there so I don't know, Remember on BK Servers we only ask that you crouch, all weapons and perks are ALLOWED so feel free to use second chance all you want, if you kill someone while in it, well I guess they need to learn to double or triple tap ya :-)

Please calm down and please do talk to Luke or another officer in vent.

On a Personal Note, I want to give you my heartfelt Thanks. What you have done for our country is great, you have fought for my freedom and had a part into making this world and country a better place for my Family and Daughter and because of that I owe you. Thank you for your service my Friend and I hope to see you on the Battlefield where it is an honor to get shot, or to be a member of your team.

Salute and Respect Sir,

Big Hoss*BK*T
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ARRGGHHHFri Dec 16, 2011 3:38 am

twofeathers i would like to you apologies on behalf of BK. This is not how we treat friends in or out of BK.
I have played with you many hours in Black OPS
please PM Luke with persons name that was rude to you.

Your friend  Arrgghhh
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AbramFri Dec 16, 2011 4:03 am

What happened was a shame, Twofeathers. I really hope you change your mind about joining us in the future.

I know that members have been told about behaviour like this; not giving other grief about using this or that perk/weapon, as all are allowed in our servers, and is poor sportsmanship, to boot. All i can hope for is that it was a newer remember that has not heard that particular talk, yet - though I would hope that any member would have enough sense to not be so rude. Did the member at least appologise or give any hint of remorse? I sure hope so.

Anyway, as the other stated, PM Luke. I hope you don't hold the behaviour of one against us all.

Hope to see you again.
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TwoFourFri Dec 16, 2011 12:28 pm

Hey Twofeathers, please hang around. I (we) enjoy your company on the battlefield.
Please reconsider....
                                Your Friend, TwoFour
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CakeFri Dec 16, 2011 5:59 pm

Twofeathers - hang in there buddy. Some people say things in the heat of the moment, but it usually reflects back on them in the end. I heard some of that exchange, but didn't see who it was: I did state that all perks were allowed, which they
certainly are, so please don't let what happened run you away from our servers.
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ThillionFri Dec 16, 2011 7:14 pm

I was on then also. And I am also upset with the member who offended you. I am surprised to hear that type of talk from a member. Specially to such a great guy as you. 2nd chance is a perk that is allowed, as are ALL PERKS. I too have used the perk, but it never really worked for me, as I am no good at it. But I have been killed by it alot. LOL, I die alot anyway.
But this was outrageous, and I apologize for this members outburst at you.
Please reconsider returning to our servers and on TS. And please do not judge us on one persons outburst. I would think it great that you join BK, as we all enjoy playing and chatting with you.

And Thank You for your service and bravery. We all appreciate your sacrifice on our behalf.

Thanks TwoFeathers,
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TwofeathersFri Dec 16, 2011 7:18 pm

Ok.  I have cooled off and am back to myself again.  I apologize and will, in the future contain myself in print as I did verbally the other day.  I am smiling and will come shoot the poop outa you BK folks again.  Even the person who offended me had better look out, cause I may still use second chance, too.  Smile  ~S~ Twofeathers
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RedneckJediFri Dec 16, 2011 7:25 pm

This is very surprising for me as well.  Even though I am very new to BK, I played with them on TS for around four months or so before enlisting and I have never heard anything like this happen on TS.  One thing I can tell you Twofeathers is that the chain of command around here does a fairly good job taking care of situations when they do occur.  Hopefully you will reconsider your decision and give them a chance to sort this out and make it right.  New members are what keeps a group like this healthy.  Also, I wanna thank you for your service. I have been on active duty in the Army for 22 years now and of the 17 medals/ribbons that I have, I am most proud of the one I didn't get, the purple heart.  I am very fortunate not to have received one of those.  I could not imagine getting more than one.  Our country needs more heros like you to show the rest of us what patriotism looks like.
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WolfFangSat Dec 17, 2011 12:23 am

Twofeathers no need for you to apologize for your remarks, you had a right to vent your anger and I will say you did so with dignity and restraint. I too will apologize for the remarks you received. I am glad to see you back and hope you would reconsider joining us. I think you would be a great addition to the clan. I too would like to thank you for your service and sacrifice.
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OrckSat Dec 17, 2011 8:47 pm

looks like Twofeathers gave us a second chance? just saying  Razz
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PeachesSat Dec 17, 2011 9:49 pm

Yikes.. Orck...


Someone complained about 2nd Chance? Wow.. might as well complain about bullets in general. Smile
Apologies TwoFeathers. I would imagine that sometimes, even the best of us have our days. And these are the times
that we should perhaps not even say anything at all. I have days where everything and everyone is killing me. I have learned
and seasoned myself to quietly log off and disappear into the background on those days.

(usually BEFORE the final score is displayed.)
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targetSat Dec 17, 2011 10:50 pm

Hey Peaches, hows it going..been a long time...hope to see you online, I took a few months off..back now.
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DiggerBazMon Dec 19, 2011 1:45 am

Orck.  Your humour has no bounds. Just sayin.
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LukeMon Dec 19, 2011 3:19 pm

Two feathers I was there when this happened and got after him when he started complaining about second chance. I hope you understand that we work hard to be polite and friendly at all times but we are human.

I would be happy to talk with you about this if you would like.
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