Polite & Friendly's


Battlefield 3 Basic Boot Camp (Friday Night)

SpiderWed Nov 23, 2011 2:58 am

Hey Everyone,

Friday Night, Nov. 25th at 8PM (Est), we will conduct our first BattleField 3 Basic Boot Camp.

Space will be limited to 20 Slots in the BK Boot Camp Server, so I suggest that you sign on TS at least a half-hour before start time to reserve a slot. If you cannot be included in this session we will be running more frequent session during the weeks to come.

I know many of you will have great questions about the game play, so we will try and cover as much as we can. Due to the immense content that BF3 offers and our time constraints, we will be dividing our Boot Camp Training into three separate sessions (Air/Vehicle/Ground). This Ground Session we will be coving the Soldier Classes and Weapons Loadout.

There are still plans in the works for future Advanced Boot Camps that will concentrate on Team Tactics.
So I hope you will join in on the fun, and don’t forget to contribute on things you have learned thus far.

If you’re not a BK Member yet, then you’re missing out on all the fun and perks. Get that App in today and join us in all that we offer!
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AbramWed Nov 23, 2011 3:52 am

Sweet.  And a convenient time for me, too!

Curious, why only 20 slots? Nice idea of splitting it intot he three categories. Does that mean that folsk that make to to this first bootcamp will ahve preference in the other parts?  Or are all three to be this one bootcamp session?

Much appreciated, in any case.

PS - i see that bootcamp sever still has no password....
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Demon667-BK-Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:06 am

Hey is it possible for me to Reserve a slot? i missed the last boot camp, am more than able to attend as i have my EDO "earned day off" on that firday, and i belive 8pm estern is 6pm mountain?
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UchiMataWed Nov 23, 2011 8:10 am

Sounds right. I have a supplier in Colorado who is 7 hrs behind GMT. EST is 5 hours behind so 8pm EST is 6pm MST ( and 1AM GMT - by which time I will be in bed ;-(
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KarowWed Nov 23, 2011 3:59 pm

Looks like I will not be able to help out with this boot camp or for that matter any furture BF3 bootcamps. Punkbuster does not like me anymore.
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cypher369Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:18 pm

I should be good to go.
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AbramSat Nov 26, 2011 5:07 am

Thanks for putting this one, guys. It was a little scattered, but it was a good first Camp and there's such an insane amount of stuff to cover in this game.

Hope the next on has better turnout, though. I especially recommend it to newer members,a s the finer points of our TS and servers rules get covered in detail.
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BigHossSat Nov 26, 2011 5:33 am

To All that put this on I thank you. I have been to a couple for Black Ops and I learned a lot. I am a Battlefield kind of guy, spent a lot of time in the Battlefield Series and the game is just awesome! If you ever need help with anything let me know as I use to put boot camps up for a clan I was the Co Officer for in Battlefield Vietnam. We did a lot of Tactical stuff, Flight Training and all that good stuff. Back in those days we had a cool map that was modeled off of a Basic Training area you would see in the Military with a spot for Flight School, Armor / Vehicles, and an Obstacle  course we used as tactic's / firing range.

I enjoyed it very much and look forward to many more and to help out more once I become a PFC (Should be soon Smile   )

But really guys I appreciate you folks taking time away from friends, family, and of course your game time to set these boot camps up.

Recruit Hoss*bk*
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