I am not vary savy with laptops. Dont like messing around with them when something goes wrong and much prefer a desktop any day. But they do have there advantages.
I was thinking of picking up this laptop
HP laptop from Best buy. For $379 it seems like a nice deal.
What does anyone think of it? Is it a good deal?
What if any gaming would be possible with this?
The exact cpu spped - 1.9GHz (with Turbo CORE up to 2.5GHz)
Here is the specs for the cpu -
What are you getting it for? On-the-road work? Surfing? Light gaming? Fixing other computers?
Not bad. Though no Bluetooth or gigabit ethernet. Of course if you wont; use those, then it's no matter. HDMI is handy. I'm sure it'd play Black Ops just fine. CPU specs are pretty lack-luster, but pretty good considering the other specs and the price.
If you already have a desktop, I'd have to suggest a netbook or a smaller-screen laptop; if it's just for tossing around the living room for surfing or simple games, then you don't need a large screen, and smaller laptops/netbooks have superior battery life and are easy to handle, due to their weight. I used to be a real sucker for larger laptops, but after having my 10.1" HP for a year or so, I don't really imagine getting a big one for my next purchase. (well okay, i got my HP for free)
I would prefer a smaller one but that is not a big deal. I checked it out and it is pretty light,