An Introduction...
TheBearWed Mar 25, 2009 3:39 pm
Hello all. Luke asked me to post an introduction of myself, so here it goes. My online name is Bear. Actually, that is what most people call me in real life, even my kids. My oldest son, when he was a baby, was doing animal noises with me one day. When he got to bear, I roared what I thought a bear would roar like, and he's called me Bear ever since. I've been online playing games on my own systems since about 1991. Back in those days, the games were simple, like chess, etc., most things were chat rooms divided up by cities and states. (A/S/L anyone?) You had to be careful how many hours you played online. Your monthly payment only bought 10 hours or so and if you went over, it could get expensive very quickly. First online game I purchased was Star Wars: Xwing vs. Tie Fighter. What a great game and it got even better once everyone started getting broadband. Yeah, imagine trying to play a game like COD:WAW over a 56k connection. Talk about lag. Moved on from there to my first fps game: Rogue Spear. Froms Rogue Spear to MOH:AA and finally to COD:WAW. Thanks for inviting me to apply and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.
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HoykunWed Mar 25, 2009 6:30 pm
welcome Truebear!
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LionThu Mar 26, 2009 1:54 am
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LukeThu Mar 26, 2009 2:21 am
Welcome to the team.
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baumentThu Mar 26, 2009 3:17 am
Welcome Bear, nice to have you here!
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WrcknCrwThu Mar 26, 2009 4:03 am
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