Polite & Friendly's



BustADomeTue Oct 04, 2011 1:45 am

so far as i see there in nothing to gain form the clan i been on ts many time there is over a 100 ppl in one channel talking over other or talking about bf3  i cant see how u would make your members go thu that i cant hear game play over half the ppl talking. and second i have asked for admin many of time's and  never got one and it kills the server every time server 6 keep it up this the best one u have Smile so what im getting at if i have to be on ts then i play then this clan is not for me
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AbramTue Oct 04, 2011 2:39 am

This is why it's handy to have a microphone. Although the TS3 Overlay shows text chat, it does not work for a lot of folks, and hearing that tiny *ding* is tough when there's a battle ensuing. (..And i don't think our current TS server can do more than 100 connections.)

When a call for a kick is HEARD, usually everyone gets quiet and waits for the kick to be confirmed, then continues with their yapping. Plus there are some times when there's no Admin on Teamspeak (we're working on getting better coverage). WHen people are typing in the messges, there's a big delay even if someone DOES spot it, and it slows any progress to a crawl. Have you been shown how to use our Badkon system?

If you can't afford a mic, "borrow" one from a friend, or you can get the one that i use, and paid a whole 5 bucks for. It's a good mic -  I'm a mumbler and for the most part, members can hear me with clarity. Go to monoprice.com and look for item  #2925. cost to a random Tulsa zipcode brings the total cost to $7.44.

Still, being a clan definitely is not for everyone.  I've been playing MP more or less for 10 years, and I've never had any inclination to join a clan, as eventually, politics enters the fray and i just get sick of the attitudes and leave. In real life, I'm a left-brain, left-wing, staunch atheist, that swears on a regular basis, and I have a very crude sense of humour. But in clan matters, all is peaceful, as we all get along great. (well, 00% of the time) I'm glad i stumbled upon Polite  Freindly - how it runs the servers, treats its' members, runs a good, informative website, and has many people willing to  spend their spare (and sometimes not) helping the other members with whatever comes up.

Kinda went off-track there...

But yes, buy a microphone.
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BigDawgTue Oct 04, 2011 2:46 am

We are supposed to be in T/S for many reasons, the main reason is that when there is a need for a kick once you have issued warnings a admin can kick the player. The plus side is it is great to hear our fellow clan mates. When I asked you to come on T/s is for that issue we had in server 6 with the suspected hacker,plus we cant and shouldnt type  about another player hacking ingame. If he is or isnt we shouldnt anouce things like that just incase he was legit. I would hate to see you go because of something like this my friend.

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LukeTue Oct 04, 2011 3:15 am

I think people have covered why to be on TS and it is a rule that all new members are told. I really enjoy TS and think of it as half the fun. I understand that its not for everyone but it is who we are.

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DiggerBazTue Oct 04, 2011 7:11 am

Hang in there BustaDome. You have only been a member a very very short time. Appreciate your observations but a little too soon to judge mate.
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LADYHAWKTue Oct 04, 2011 8:12 am

hold on.....if you dont have a microphone, asking for a kick via text chat doesnt work.....as soon as a kick is required and asked for, everyone clams up and the kick is delt with so I agree with CHUD and maybe you will enjoy TS more if you can speak to everyone alot more Smile
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BustADomeTue Oct 04, 2011 11:51 pm

sad thing is everyone is saying a mic this a mic that i have a mic and asked for a admin text and over the mic but i bet u could not hear over the  100 ppl in the channel on sat. in ts before i made this comment about 20 ppl were dl the bf3 beta and said they are not sign in. how do they help me? im not one to tell anyone how to do things but the frist day(i joined)i join your ts your leader luke said almost word for word what i said on my last post about ts he need a break and even took the tags off.  and if u read the frist post i made it was about ts not about a mic.

thx all to who took there time to read the post and repond.
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tetWed Oct 05, 2011 12:01 am

BustADome wrote:

sad thing is everyone is saying a mic this a mic that i have a mic and asked for a admin text and over the mic but i bet u could not hear over the  100 ppl in the channel on sat. in ts before i made this comment about 20 ppl were dl the bf3 beta and said they are not sign in. how do they help me? im not one to tell anyone how to do things but the frist day(i joined)i join your ts your leader luke said almost word for word what i said on my last post about ts he need a break and even took the tags off.  and if u read the frist post i made it was about ts not about a mic.

thx all to who took there time to read the post and repond.

Sometimes people just can't be heard.  Be it from in game noises or chat.  I know sometimes my mic is quiet(though loud at the worst times).  When on ts if you are worried about the noise interfering with your game you can always join one of the empty channels, or even go to the afk channel.  I do that constantly.
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BustADomeWed Oct 05, 2011 12:19 am

kk will do ty
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WolfFangWed Oct 05, 2011 12:29 am

It is also possible that your miic is set at too low a level so it is hard to hear you on ts. Go to windows - recording devices- properties of your mike. The third tab at top is level; if you click this tab you will see what output level you mic is set too. If its too low it would be hard to hear you even if you speak loudly into your mic. Make sure its at least above 50%. Every time I have had people tell me its hard to hear me, this has been set really low. There has been times when I update programs or drivers specifically sound related that have reset this to a lower default level.
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DiggerBazWed Oct 05, 2011 7:18 am

BustaDome's right re the mic not being the issue. However, some good advice from tet and WolfFang for you BustaDome. Hope this works out for you mate.
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LADYHAWKWed Oct 05, 2011 2:44 pm

im sorry if I assumed you didnt have a mic, whenever I hear a call for a kick, everyone clams up and allows an admin in the channel to sort it.....I must be the lucky one getting on when there arent so many players online. Give it a little while, maybe raise your voice just a tad next time and then if you feel theres an admin issue then maybe chat to an officer regarding offenders that wont be quiet for a kick Smile good luck and hope the sun will shine next time!
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RadBaronWed Oct 12, 2011 4:09 am

If you do need to say something right away, use this term *BREAK BREAK BREAK*

Most of us will recognize that someone wants to say something, and will shush the others.
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