Polite & Friendly's


please unban from your nice server

CarnageThu Sep 06, 2012 7:44 pm

Hi i am Carnage, i was just banned from your server about 10 minutes ago. i lost my cool becasue i was teamkilled, i said fking idiot, then said that stupid people should learn to acquire a target before they shoot. then i was talking to my clan mate and put lol at the end. my bad for being vocal. please remove the ban. and all will be well in the universe. thank you
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Silent_WolfThu Sep 06, 2012 8:24 pm

First I would like to thank you for join us on our website.

We have very strict policies on disrespecting any players in our servers regardless of the reason.

Also depending on the infraction the when we kick someone from a server, when you try to re-enter the server response will be that you have been banned because we impose a 15 minute ban.  If you are still banned after 15 minutes I would encourage you to use our contact us link at the time to have a admin review the situation and get back to you.

Thanks again.
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bigconnThu Sep 06, 2012 10:21 pm

When you open your ticket - please include the Game being played, which of our servers you were on, date and time of day, and your player name.

As Silent said thank you for joining us  on the website and our game servers.  I will remind you that the rules in our servers apply to the Web site as well - please think before you type... Smile
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CarnageThu Sep 06, 2012 10:43 pm

thank you for your response to the matter, and i assure you that i wont be so easy to upset the next time i play in your server. i believe it was the number 2 server
anyway. thank you and good gaming
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