Polite & Friendly's


New Account

Chopper114Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:48 pm

Hi all.
I have had to create a new account for some reason as i can't access my Bullet-Magnet account for some reason. This is my new account for my new game name Chopper*bk*. Please for whoever does the roster could you please change Bullet-Magnet to Chopper. I am still on the recruit list as Bullet-Magnet.
Co-operation and assistance in this matter would be appreciated
Kind Regards
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AbramSun Aug 12, 2012 3:34 pm

Mr T. can change your posts, etc. to the new name. Baument can change the name in the Roster. PM them. I also went through a name change a while ago.
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baumentSun Aug 12, 2012 7:22 pm

Roster and paperwork changed
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